Part two: The not so welcomed reunion talk

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And with that, the two of them walked off and out to the back door. Probably to avoid causing a scene at the front of the bar, but now I don't know what I should do. Should I stay here and wait, keep an eye on them and find out more or go home. From there I have made up my mind and walked towards the back door, surprised to see them both in good condition. I was honestly expecting them to throw punches. Either way, I know that I can't just leave without knowing if Al is going to be alright. I can just only hope that he wouldn't mind me being here. Plus, I need to know about the untold past and it's going to happen now.


"You were always so cute when you got angry; the way your nose crinkles up when you're ready to fight shame your bark is so much bigger than your bite," Seth said as he was continuing to get under Alphonse skin. I don't know what kind of a reaction he could be hoping for but I can that Al is starting to get annoyed with his talking, then he suddenly grabbed him by the jacket.

"Would you just shut up! Just shut the fuck up! Since when are you the talkative one huh?! And why are you even here, why now?!"

"Jesus, are you really gonna be that cold? You owe me, Al." What does he mean by that? What is it that Al owes him, I really don't think that he owes Seth anything but I am actually curious as to what it could be.

"I don’t own you a god dame thing! I told you that it was over! I told you that I was leaving and just because it wasn't what you wanted to hear, doesn't mean it wasn't over! You don’t have to agree with it or want it or whatever! I’m not just some pet that you could keep around until you were bored with me and then when I needed to come home you wouldn’t let me!"

Now it was Alphonse's turn to expose himself and I was shocked by what he said. The two of them really were a couple back then, and it didn't sound like a very healthy one too. I started to question myself as to how that ever happened since the two of them are so very different from each other and how they even break up.

"Because you spent your whole life letting other people dictate what you did, where you’d go and how you act. I saved you from that."

"Would you listen to yourself! How are you any different from everyone else! Running away with you was fun, I don’t deny that but what we became, was just bad! Seth, I never wanted to be a scam artist, a thief, a scumbag like that."

From the moment those words left Al's mouth, I didn't know what to think or feel about it. A scam artist? A thief? He was a criminal back then, and Seth as well. That's another thing that he never brought up to me.

"Like me. Go on you can say it! Just like the holier than now folks you left behind huh? You think coming back here to run your stupid shop is going to absolve you of all that’s sin," Seth said as his mood began to change and shoved Alphonse's hands off of him. He sure is taking this whole thing a bit too far now, I've heard Al bringing up his parents every now and then and apparently Seth knows them as well. Whatever even happened between him and his family?

"Don’t you fucking dare talk about them like that! After what they did for you, you don't have the right!"

"You think you’re gonna wash your hands of your past just because you came back to this dump and lived a boring quiet life? Pathetic."

"Maybe you're right, maybe that is pathetic. Almost as pathetic as crawling back to this dump to beg for your old flame back. The truth is I was the best damn thing that ever happened to you and without me you’re just a lonely sad kid from nowhere, who became nothing but a thug. I was the same way but we were bad for each other Seth. You were my crutch and I was yours the difference is, I figured that out while you, I don’t know what you been doing."

"You don’t know? You don’t know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been doing time Al. Paying for those sins of yours you think can just roll right off your shoulders, but I was on my best behaviour and let’s be honest, who can resist my charm. If you don't want me that's fine, you know what happened that night and you know who should have taken the fall for that." That night? What does he even mean by that?! What happened on that night?

"I didn’t ask you to do that Seth, you can't put that on me now what happened. That night was fucked up and I regret that it ever happened, I never ask you to pay that price for me."

"And I never asked you to save me."

Save him, save him? What was it that Alphonse saved Seth him from? Is that why he was sent to prison, because of something that Al did to save him. I can only ever imagine on what it could have been and what happened.

"Look I figured I’d try my luck but clearly you’re not interested and hey I can’t blame you, that little side piece you picked up, they are pretty fine," he said as he turned his attention to me. That might have been the first complaint he has given all evening, not that I wanted it of course.

"Just needed to see if it was really over. Oh and one other thing, where do you toss Betty? She might be a little rusty at this point but I need her back, so I’m gonna go find her." Betty? Who or what is Betty.

"I didn’t toss her. I’ll get it to you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I’m trying to hit the road. Clearly, there’s nothing left for me here," he said with a slight sadness in his voice. Al didn't notice it but I did.

"Then I guess you better pitch a tent huh, didn’t look like your pops was too happy bout you being back but if you come this far it won't kill you to wait one more night," said Alphonse as his expression was unreadable but he does have a point. He didn't look very happy to see Seth again, but would I really want him to sleep outside.

"Fine, wouldn’t be the first time I went bareback in the woods. I’ll see you bright and early bubble gum and you Jolene, you better keep an eye on this one. You’ll think you know him and then he’ll just leave you with a sweet tooth. But hey, if he does, come find me and we can do a little commiserating huh. Goodnight love birds."

And with that Seth got on his motorcycle and drove off. To where I couldn't guess but all I do know is that the supposed to be an evening date just became the most awkward moment of our lives between me and Alphonse. I could feel him looking at me with a deep frown, but yet I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

(That became a lot longer than what I planned but that's just what happens when you're excited😅😊)


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