XXIII The not so welcomed reunion talk XXIII

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Ava's pov

Never in all of my years would I ever have guessed that I would be held hostage or against my will by a random guy, or rather Seth. And to top it off, not only does he know Alphonse but he said that he loves him! Clearly, there's something I don't know, something that Al has yet to tell me. So while we wait for him to show up, I'm left with no other option to watch Seth play a small game of Pool. The more I think about the phone conversation the more I feel upset about it.

"What? What's that look for?" Seth asked me out of the blue which also caught me by surprise. I guess he noticed my expression.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just couldn't help but think about that phone conversation," I replied to him while trying to hide the hurt in my voice. I mean come on I felt like I've been lied to! Alphonse has told me about the people he has taken a fancy to but he never mentioned anything about Seth!

"Oh, you wanna know what your little pastel fever dream of a boyfriend had to say."

"I guess I won't deny that I am curious about what he said."

"Hey look I tell you what, next time I'll put it on speakerphone so you'll get to hear everything! No secrets doesn't that sound nice," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Everything that Seth says just makes me feel even more scared, he's no longer holding back the resentment he has for me.

"That's probably just wishful thinking. See, something you'll learn about me is I'm nothing if not honest to a fault usually, you see mama always said there ain't no sense in lying; the truth will always find you, always."

That kind of means nothing to me since I still don't know anything! What does an innocent girl have to do to understand what's going on! But there is one thing I do know, and that is I'll won't forgive Al so easily when all of this is over. Then the bell attached to the door of the tavern went off and a very familiar face walked in, with a not so very pleased expression.

"Yo Seth let's talk outside."

"What! Come on I ordered you a screwdriver and everything! Pull up a chair, let's catch up, we have so much to talk about," he said to Al as his tone of voice changed and with a flirtatious facial expression. Alphonse however didn't pay much attention to what Seth had said as his eyes landed on me. Without wasting another second, he walked over and hugs me tightly, while I returned the gesture, not even caring if Seth is seeing this moment right before him. I am still a bit upset with Al, but I'm honestly glad that he is here now.

"The way I see it, all I got to say is that you should get the hell away from Ava! What kind of not answering her phone!" Alphonse said as he turned his attention back to Seth.

"You think he's intimidating shortstack," he asked me.

"I think it would be best if I don't answer to that," I said as I hold a cold expression towards Seth. To be brutally honest yes, he is intimidating! I mean just by looking at Seth, I can tell that he could easily kill me with his own two hands.

"I stopped being scared of you along time ago and they ain't scared you either see. You're lucky you didn't get the eyes gouged out, your knees kicked in, your skull cracked."

"What, who? My new friend here? No no no no we're pals, bosom buddies. I've already introduced them to my old man, I mean we're practically an item."

"Keep it up and we're going to have a problem. Seth, this doesn't involve her."

"Doesn't it though, my little bubble gum prince. They are homewrecker, a whole ass Jolene!" He said to us as gotten much more closer to Alphonse. The sass he was giving to me was one thing but an insult is another. And from the looks of it, Al didn't take so very lightly.

"Hey shut up!"

"I get locked up, do a little bit of time and you forget all about me. Forget all about the good old days back when you were such a good boy for me."

At first, all I could do was sit there awkwardly and watch everything that could happen before me but when those words left Seth's mouth, the mood instantly changed along with the atmosphere between us. He is willing to go as far as to expose Al while I'm right here, and clearly, Alphonse was slowly losing his cool.

"I said shut up! You, me, outside now!"

"There we go, I was wondering if you lost that loudmouth of yours. You know, I always was a fan," Seth said to him. I can tell that he is really pushing his luck a bit too much, but yet it wasn't said in a way to get under Al's skin. I think he is trying to charm him like how he did during their time together in the past, but clearly, he wasn't getting anywhere with it since Alphonse expression stayed the same.

"Alright, fine, lead the way."

And with that, the two of them walked off and out to the back door. Probably to avoid causing a scene at the front of the bar, but now I don't know what I should do. Should I stay here and wait, keep an eye on them and find out more or go home. From there I have made up my mind and walked towards the back door, surprised to see them both in good condition. I was honestly expecting them to throw punches. Either way, I know that I can't just leave without knowing if Al is going to be alright. I can just only hope that he wouldn't mind me being here. Plus, I need to know about the untold past and it's going to happen now.



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