Part two: An actually Valentine's Day date?

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I feel so called out by him. I don't even know if I should tell him my reasons, it's not like my Valentine's of the past were amazing. But it's not like we are strangers anymore; I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell, sort of.


"I'm just taking a break from all of that, like a very big break," I said to him. I'll only give him small details, we are only on the friend stage and I don't want to trouble him with my past right now; I'll tell him when I feel like we're ready.

"Shit, I wouldn't blame you for that, I got a reputation all because I said I thought someone was cute; when I moved back to town they thought I ran off and came back as some kind of hoe," he said to me. Whenever I talk to Alphonse, I feel like I'm slowly learning more about him; little by little.

"Really?" Robin asked as she found that a bit hard to believe.

"Look I'm not exactly a saint, I can be a thirsty bastard, but I'm a gentleman about It, I can be discreet. I don't like people being all up in my business anyway. And here I am bugging you about the Valentine's Day thing, sorry I don't mean to contradict myself."

"Hey, you got nothing to apologise for Alphonse. It's not like we have anything else to talk about." I said as I tried to reassure him with Robin agreeing with me, and it seemed to have worked since he smiled slightly.

"I've been wondering about you since we met like you seem real chill but I can't really blame you for keeping your distance; people around here keep a pretty close eye on who's doing what, bunch of damp gossip's. Getting involved with me might make things difficult but I guess sharing a little bit of discounted Valentine's Day goodies wouldn't hurt I'll just put it on your tab."

"Really?!" Robin said with an excited tone. Another thing that comes from her time in the city was getting free stuff whenever they can. Even though we can pay for things now it has a die-hard habit.

"That's a joke, I'm a need you to pay upfront. We might be a locally owned business but we don't do credit."

After saying that it made Robin to hang their head down low to his response, he immediately crushed their dreams. At least we thought he did, till he suddenly started laughing.

"The look on your faces! Relax, there's no way I'm gonna be able to sell all this and I'll root my damn teeth out if I don't get any help so shit, you're welcome to as much as you want," he said to us while offering a bright smile. That made Robin very happy but as for me, my mind was off somewhere else; having me say the stupidest thing ever.

"Can I take you home with me?"

I honestly have no idea why I even said that! Did his smile take an effect on me? I know for a fact that my sudden request took both Robin and Alphonse by surprise, even though I looked calm to them but from the inside, I was in a mess. And I wasn't expecting Al to answer back to that.

"Look, I'm sorry I made all those bad jokes you don't gotta turn around and try to make a fool outta me, sweet thing like you shouldn't be seen taking me anywhere near your house," he said with a shocked face.

"Shame, I guess it is only fair to respect your wishes. So I'll wait till you feel comfortable to come round."

"Tell me, is this some kind of prank? You got in good with some of the others in town and they put you up to making me look silly?" He asked as his voice became stern and his expression hardened. Does he truly think that I would do that to him?

"No, of course not! I was being genuine; no one has asked me to do anything, I promise. Plus, I just wanted to see you blush again." I answered him with all the honesty I can both show and offer as my cheeks started to feel warm. I can tell that Robin was giving me a cheeky smile, showing that they could see right through me while Alphonse just stood there; surprised by what I said that his cheeks started to turn red like mine.

"You, just wanna see me blush?"

"Yea. It fits you perfectly, I even won't deny that you look cute with it."

"What kind of pickup line-! What the hell?!" He said as his face became stern. We both can tell he's trying not to be effective by it, but it was failing miserably for him. When he finally eased down he turned his attention back to me.

"You're full of surprises, listen if you're really interested in hanging out then we can make plans; like I don't have anything going on after I close up for the night so why don't you hang around we can see what's up after that."

Within the minute he said that I honestly wanted to start jumping in the air, I'm so happy that he's willing to hang out a lot more! But there is Robin. When I turned my attention towards them, she were looking down at the counter; completely in deep thought. They must have noticed that I was looking at them since they turned their head to me. At first, Robin had a very unreadable expression but it slowly changed into a smile.

"If you're going to ask if it's alright to hang out with him, then yes; It's alright Ava. Just give me a heads up whenever plans are made, plus I don't mind being the third wheel. Not only that but I have to stay at the store and watch the dogs," they said with a smile. How was I so lucky to have them as a friend?

"Well, Alphonse. Looks like we will be seeing a lot of each other. I'll stop by later during closing hours" I said to him as I shyly smiled at him. And he couldn't help but do the same.

"Sounds like a plan to me, alright then."


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