Part three: The peace that was supposed to be

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"That's good to hear, but to be honest, I can not deny that you were kind of cute during the whole start of the situation," I said while a blush was starting to show on my cheeks. At first, he didn't seem to understand what I was getting at but then he slowly began to smile.


"Oh I see; you thought it was hot seeing me get all protective and shit."

"What can I say, you are very cute when you're protective."

"Yeah that is sweet but we all know that Al wouldn't win a fight against Seth. Isn't that right," Robin said as she just called out on him. And she's not wrong on that.

"Well, I’ll be honest Seth would, he’d kick my ass, but I know how to put on my big boy voice and I don’t mess around when it comes to my boo," he said while admitting that he would lose against him but that wouldn't bother me if he did.

"So, we're you really that worried about me," I asked him as I just received a nod as a response.

"I thought he was up to some shit, potentially dangerous and you getting put into that sort of situation because of my past and my bullshit, that's scary. I just...I didn’t want you...that life, everything about it, I’m glad that it’s in my past and I wanted to stay there. And the thought of you getting dragged into it really shook me."

Seeing my sweet cheeks with a frown on his face, I just couldn't help but to hug him tightly while he gladly returned the emotion. At first, I didn't give much thought to the negative impact of today, but I wish I did. Like what would happen if Al had walked out the door, what could have happened if I told him that Seth would be coming over. What could have happened between us afterwards? So with that and everything that he said, it just makes me realise on how selfish I was.

"I like our life, I like our peaceful little thing we got going. You like it too right? Our whole thing, me and you, us?"

"Of course I do, more than anything else. Are you starting to doubt it?"

"No no I’m not doubting anything; I just...I’m just really happy to have you. To know that you care. Again I’m sorry about snapping at you. I’m really good at running away from my problems, both physically and emotionally. So when I felt just, you know. I didn’t know which intentions were and obviously, I should have known because you’ve been nothing but great but I mean shit; Seth was coming back, reliving a lot of those memories I used to have. I have to stay on my guard, I guess you could say."

"You have mentioned your past with Seth a lot today, was life really that awful for you back then," said Robin.

"We were involved in some shit and trust wasn’t something that came really easy, and you know, I guess maybe I’m just trying to find a silver lining but this felt good for us, you know. Like you needed to know about my past and you needed to know about Seth because no matter how you cut it, he's a really important building block to me and my past."

"But you're okay now right?"

"Yeah I’m okay, I don’t see me any different, do you? Like you don't even don't even know the things..."

"Alphonse, you already had a rough day. You don't have to tell me anything else if you're not comfortable with it okay," I said to him while gently placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I know. I don’t have to talk about it, I know. Thank you for understanding me. Maybe I’ll tell you more sometime when I’m ready, it’s not a secret. It’s's just sad but it’s also in the past, and now I’m excited about the future."

"So am I sweet cheeks. Now you sit down and relax, I'll handle what's left in here," I said as I walked towards the sink then I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me.

"Hey hold on now, I’m excited about the present too. Right now, here with you."

"What are you getting at?"

"I mean I know we just cleaned up; but what do you think about making another mess?"

The minute he said that I began to blush deeply while also feeling aroused by this. He really does know how to make me feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside.

"Well, I can see where this is going so I'm going back to the shop now and take over Noah's shift. Don't get too crazy you two," said Robin as she quickly grab her jacket and ran out the door.

"Are you sure it's okay? I mean after everything that has happened?"

"I think it will be alright, we can clean up after ourselves," he said as I can feel his hands running over my body.

"You really can't control yourself," I said to him with a smile.

"Hey look all this emotional turmoil got me kind of pent up you know, what about you?"

"How about we take it to the bedroom and I'll do all the work of you."

The rest of the day just became a blur to me. One minute we would hang out and have a wholesome moment on the couch, and then we would have our spicy time. So much has happened; both good and bad. But In the end, everything worked out. Al has opened, made up with Seth and now my own friend may or may not have slight feelings for him as well. I'll be honest that I'm still worried for Seth, wondering if he would be okay, but I'm sure that he could manage alright. Plus he can always come back if it gets too difficult.

I'm happy with my new life here. I'm happy with my shop, my friends and my sweet cheeks. I couldn't ask for anything else. Live here is nothing but amazing, I can only hope that nothing unexpected would change all of that.

The end


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