X I'll go slow, just for you Al X

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Today was another day but hardly anything new, but that's not entirely true. Me and Alphonse have been hanging out for the last couple of days and weeks, within those days we have been doing our hangouts indoors. He doesn't know about the shop yet but I'll tell him eventually, maybe when things between him and the others have calmed down.

But today is going to be different. Instead of hanging out inside, we are going to start going public; but of course, it all has to start awkwardly.


Ava's pov

"Hey I did tell you that getting seen with me would make people stare, didn't I?"

The atmosphere between Al and I was very, awkward. And I can tell that he was trying to lighten the mood. We were supposed to be enjoying our day but it was impossible to do so when you have people staring at you throughout the evening.

"You did, but I just don't understand why," I responded to him with my eyes looking down the concrete street. Alphonse has always been saying that the people here don't like him very much, and yet I still don't understand why.

"I'll tell you why I'm so sure these people shun me," he said to me, almost like he knew what was going on in my head. I turned my attention to him and started to listen carefully.

"I mentioned the whole thing with my folks, people loved them; they were real upstanding citizens and they were just good, they were good people. So when we started to clash, when I started acting out, I decided I wanted to run off right after graduating well they thought I should have stuck around and helped with the family business. They didn't see a kid trying to find his identity, they just saw a spoiled brat who took a happy home life for granted. And I mean not entirely wrong; their assholes for judging me sure, but I did take my folks for granted."

I would often hear him mentioning his parents now and then, but I never actually heard the whole story between the two. His home life almost sounds just like Robin's, different situations but still somewhat similar all the same.

"I was sleeping on a friends couch when I got the call; my parents you see, there was an accident. So not only was I unthankful, I was this colourful freak and in everybody else's eyes, I was just, I guess responsible for what happened," he said while finishing his home life backstory.

He truly has suffered; he felt lost, not knowing what or who he should be, what to do. And now Al blames himself for what happened with his parents, even his face and eyes are full of hurt. Almost want the power to go back in time and try to fix everything.

"I'm so sorry Alphonse," I said to him as I started to feel really awful about myself for bringing up an emotional and hard subject.

"You don't gotta apologise. You're easy to talk to, but this is getting pretty gloomy and all those bad vibes are going to spoil our ice cream," he said to me. Now I know that he is trying to lighten the mood, especially if he mentioned ice cream.

"This little stand down here has some great cheap ice cream. Thanks to them; I can hardly ever sell any popsicles during the summer, my sweet tooth won't let me deny that it's a pretty good deal though."

As he said that we both started walking again, and when we arrived at the ice cream parlour; it had that classic American diner. Everything from the classic black and white floor, red and white walls with neon lights.

"I got you, get whatever you want," he told me as we walked up to the counter. When I saw the selection of the ice creams I was suddenly tempted by a lot of choices. It truly has been a while since I last had ice cream, I haven't had any since my grandparents passed away and college started. So coming back to the frozen treat will be a nice change.

"I'll have the vanilla please," I said to the owner as he offered me a smile and has prepared two vanilla ice creams for me and Alphonse.

"The he seems very nice," I said to Alphonse.

"Yeah this guy is really friendly, here you go keep the change come on let's hit the beach we can watch the sunset," he said as he paid the owner and leads me to the nearby beach to enjoy our ice cream and watch the sunset.

"Man just some good regular-ass vanilla ice cream."

We started to eat away the ice cream and enjoy everything around us. It all felt so peaceful, watching the sunset while hearing the waves from the sea. However, I started to hear something. I turned my attention to Alphonse only to find that he is going all out on the ice cream, at this point he could easily swallow the whole thing in one go! Having to witness this started to make me think of any other things that he could do. I couldn't even bring myself to turn my attention away but luckily he seems to have realised what he was doing and turned his attention to me.

"My bad, that's embarrassing," he said with a deep blush that's showing on his face.

"Sorry about the noises, I guess get that whole bit me being a cam boy and junk the noise is a sort of habit."

Now I may have spent the rest of my life growing up on the outside part of the city but I have seen and heard the worst things. So hearing noises like his is something completely different, not that I dislike it anyways. Especially if it's from Al.



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