Part two: A ruined pancake can turn your morning around

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"Hey look; keep playing and breakfast in bed will still happen but there won't be a whole lot of food involved, unless you're into that but honestly I don't think we have much in the way of sexy food. We got some apples, cheezits but you sure as hell ain't having those in bed, absolutely not! Cereal I mean, cereal isn't really- Oh no!" Out of nowhere, Alphonse raised his voice so suddenly that it even caught me by surprise. Feeling concerned and worried; I instantly went next to him to see if he is alright.


"Al, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just, I just realised I used all the milk, to make pancakes that are inedible." I couldn't bring myself to say anything once he said that, almost finding it hard to believe. All the milk was used up just for the pancakes.

"Damn, this really is a disaster! I’m sorry," he said to me with a deep frown. I'm never used to seeing him sad so I couldn't help but to bring him in for a hug.

"That's okay sweetheart, there are other options."

"What, you got some kind of idea? Well, I’d love to hear it cause at this point we’re out of real food." I didn't say that first since I hope for him to work it out, but I think he was starting to get the message since he can easily read me.

"What are you making that face for?"

"That face?"

"Yeah, the face you make when your mind is in the gutter. Trust, I can read you like a book."

"Oh really? Well, in that case, you must know what I want right now."

And with that being said we both went in for a kiss. Usually, I won't show such behaviour whenever I'm in the kitchen, or any kitchen; but when it comes to Alphonse all that care is thrown out the window. And I'm honestly okay with that.

"So, do you think that you could satisfy my hunger," I asked him as I pulled away for air.

"Hey trust me, I’m sure I could fill you up but I’m not exactly part of a well-balanced breakfast, mostly sugar, occasionally salty but I mean, shit, who am I to deny your appetite," he said as he pulls me back in for more kisses. Much like the first kiss, it was short but it was filled with a lot of passion.

"Maybe I should burn more pancakes if I’m going to get this kind of treatment, I’ll be sure to put that on the list."

"You'll still get this kind of treatment from me anyways."

"What you being so sweet for? Look I was the one trying to be cute this morning."

"I won't deny that but why though?"

"Why? Why not. I mean you deserve it, Everything you've been going through, with all this. Just, you deserve nice things, you deserve to feel good and if I could help out with that then, I mean that makes me happy; making you happy makes me happy. I mean, that’s what love is right? seeing the person you care about thriving," said Al and from the moment he said that, I honestly felt like crying, I've never gotten sweet words like that from anyone. He must have noticed that as he softly smiled at me.

"Come here."

He said as he quickly wrapped his arms around me and has brought me for another kiss. For each passing second, I can feel that they are getting more intense, more stronger and I'm enjoying every minute of it. This one lasted a bit longer but sadly like all the others, oxygen was needed.

"So what, we gonna do this right here in the kitchen?"

"Depends, but honestly, I'd rather have it here right now. The bedroom can wait for the evening," I said to him with a cheeky smile and I can tell that he liked my answer.

"Come here, put that little ass of yours up here on the counter," Al said as he pats the clean and empty space. Without wasting any time, I immediately used my upper body strength and made myself comfortable, now we are both at a perfect eye level. Well, for Al that is.

"There you go, now I don’t gotta lean down so far," he said as he stands in front of me and started to kiss me again. I began to think back on the times when we shared kisses, I couldn't help but feel bad about myself since I had him bending down a lot.

"Does it hurt? All that leaning forward I mean."

"Yeah, that crouch is going to fuck up my posture. Give me the scoliosis, honestly, I think my back is already fucked up but you know, whatever. So what's up? What you trying to do? I mean, I got a pretty good idea what you’re trying to do but I want to hear it coming out of that cute little mouth of yours."

"I want you to take me, make me yours right here on the counter," I whispered in his ear as I brought him in closer.

"You know I like it when you’re naughty." We didn't say anything else as the make-out session started up again, only this time I pulled away from him.


"You heard what I said, but now I want to hear you say it."

"Oh you wanna hear me say it, oh is that type of morning. Okay, okay, I’ll give you a taste only cause I feel bad about the pancakes. So will it be baby, tell me what you want daddy to do then I’ll take real good care for you. And I mean every need, every ache, anything you want baby," he said to me in a low voice. That caught me off guard, it turned me on so badly yet I couldn't help but to hide my face in his neck, I was a bit scared that my actions were going to be a turn-off like my bravery but Alphonse just chuckle softly instead.

"Don't hide your face now, look at me," he said to me. I was reluctant at first, but we came this far and it was too late to back out. I slowly pulled my head away from its hiding spot and hold my attention to Al, despite my red cheeks.

"Yeah, right in the eyes. So what is it? What could daddy do for you?" And that day, become one of the best for us both. From start to finish.

(We are nearly there everyone! The face that we have all been waiting for is almost here!)


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