Part two: The Halloween booth

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He really knows how to make me a blushing mess, his sweet-talking is both a blessing and a curse. I couldn't even look away from him as I hired Robin clicking her tongue in annoyance. Then we noticed that a kid has come up to the booth and started to take a lot of candy.


"Whoa hey kid, one handful of candy! don’t get greedy! if you're going to try to bamboozle me at least go through the trouble of changing costumes and coming back," Alphonse said to the little boy.

"That's a good idea, sir," he said back to Al with a wide smile.

"Yeah, it is a good idea right. Come on, I’m dropping jewels here, step your game up little rascal."

And with that, the kid ran off with a handful of candy. I don't think any of us could be upset with the boy, it's not every day that a child can get free sweets. They have to take the advantage of Halloween while they can, though that doesn't mean that they aren't able to abuse that opportunity.

"Should we be concerned if he comes back for more?"

"Nah, I’m not worried about it. I’m teaching street smarts and getting rid of old candy; he gets cavities, I don’t have to throw away unsold products, sounds like a winning combination to me."

"You sneaky fuck," said Robin and we started to laugh again.

"So what’s up, you wanna drink? A snack? we got some of my personal favourite spooky theme sodas; like Mountain Dew pitch black, you ever had this stuff?"

"No I haven't but I think Robin has drank it one time," I said to him with honesty and received a hum in response from Robin.

"It doesn’t really taste like it used to but you can’t go wrong with nostalgia, but I also have some of this Ecto cooler punch which I have spiked just a heads up."

Is that even allowed? Maybe at an insane party but never out in a public booth. I don't even drink, or rather anything heavy but I do know that Robin likes to have a drink whenever they can. I mean their attention practically shot up.

"Ohh now your talking," she said as they ordered one and drink up.

"Now in regards to snacks, things aren’t quite as great," he said as he showed a tray of, well; supposed to be cookies and me and Robin looked at him with both a look of shock and surprise.

"I burned these cookies but I put a lot of icing on them, sort of like making a mistake then buying somebody a gift to make up for it. It still tastes like a burnt cookie or a broken marriage but the icing doesn't suck!"

"Well, we can't say you didn't try," Robin said to him as I nod in agreement.

"I also got one of these sweet hot dog carousel’s down at the flea market and I even cleaned it before plopping these doggies on there, now it only really gets them to room temperature but if you had a point in your life where are you eating carnival hot dogs are you really going to care? Hell no!"

Alphonse gonna wish he hadn't said that as the dog's heads hoped up and standing on their back legs as they looked at the hot dog carousel with tails wagging, but if there was a dog that was eager, then that would be Bodega as he started to bark.

"Easy there boy," I said as I pat his head to calm down.

"If there's any hot dogs leftover could I take what's left as a doggie bag," Robin asked Al.

"Sure, and if any luck; I'll give away extra."

As the hours pass by in the town centre, so did the people. And of course, Alphonse has brought in people. It was a very nice change to see, Al is even smiling more. And as time passes some booths started to call it a night but for me and Al chose to hang around a bit longer. Robin, unfortunately, has drink too much of the Ecto cooler punch; so she went home early with dogs along with the doggie bags as promised.

"Yo can you believe that the year is almost over. it went by so fast but like so much is changed," Alphonse said to me as we both eat the cookies.

"Yea, you are right on that. It felt like not very long ago me and Robin moved here, opened up granny Grace's shop again, but everything that happens here is something worth remembering," I said to him with a smile and he definitely agrees with what I'm saying.

"It feels like ever since I met you; more people have been accepting me, I don’t really get as many glares. I mean some people even wave at me now, it makes me wonder if maybe I don’t know, maybe a lot of what I thought was people being jerks was actually just me projecting my fears, which I don’t really want to think about how much time I’ve been holding myself back if that’s the case but one way or another you know I’m moving past it and you played a big part in that."

We both smiled at each other, he is right on that. If anything that alone is one of the biggest changes ever, he wasn't hated by others anymore, he even started to smile more as he talked to them. It honestly fills me with joy, seeing moments like that. But then I noticed that he has a slight frown on his face, something was on his mind.



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