Part four: A bun in the over

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Lord nothing seems to get past him, it could be anything and he would still notice something. And just the fact that he knows that I was peeping doesn't make me feel any better, but it was still worth it. Though I must admit, seeing him topless in daylight, I just couldn't help but to study Al's exposed back as he looked over the kitchen and even took the opportunity to have a sneak peek at granny Grace's opened book. I can already tell that he's eyeing the candy page.


"Anyway don't worry about all these sweets you're cooking up; ruining my physique, my metabolism is through the roof. I'm certain till I'm in my thirties and the truth is if you can put up with me that long, you're probably gonna enjoy having more of me to love."

"That is true but you can't just keep your health on sweets forever Alphonse, I know you love them but it's about time to start cutting down," I sternly said to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know."

I feel like he wasn't fully taking what I was saying seriously, but whether he likes it or not, I'm getting him into better shape as a new year's resolution. Just as I was about to scold him, he tossed his sweater at me so suddenly that caught me by surprise.

"Now hurry up before the dough really ruins my sweater. I mean, I have a bunch of other ones, but I need an excuse to make you blush," he said to me. He's not wrong on that but there is a bit of a loophole in the whole matter.

"Hang on, don't you have more than one of the same sweaters?"

Even though we have been dating for what felt like a whole year but I wasn't the type to just be looking in his into his wardrobe, but the one thing that I noticed was that he always wore the same thing. On some level, I couldn't argue with it since I would steal his sweater sometimes and wore it. And I have to say, it was very comfortable.

"Yes that's, the same sweater, listen look! Let's just see how well you can bake when you've got me half-naked and kneading dough."

"Well, funnily enough, that's exactly what your gonna be doing," I said to Al which seems to have caught him off guard.

"Oh that's, that's for real? what you were going to do to have me do?"

"We are going to test your baking skills. You can make a start on the dough."

I explained to him as I pushed a bowl filled with dough towards him. Which happens to be the same one that I tossed at him.

"The dough you flung at me?"


"Wow, guess I gotta put these fangs on my mortal enemy, the dough," he said and I couldn't help but blush a small bit, no matter what he says I can never take it seriously. If he was literal on that, I honestly wish I was that dough. I'm starting to think that I've been spending too much time with him has also affected my mind in some way.

"Are you okay? You seem awfully flustered."

"Oh, it's nothing Alphonse," I told him with a smile.

"Now let me see that dough," he said as he began to knead it. And from what I could hear, it sounds like he is having some trouble. Even Robin came back to see what's going on.

"Damn thing is stiff, the dough. I mean is it, is it supposed to be like that?"

"Trust me on this one, you have yet to see true stiffness," Robin said as they caught him by surprise. Then out of nowhere I just raised my voice as I just realised something.

"Hold it right there!"

"What are you tripping about now?!"

"Did you wash your hands before coming to contact with the dough?!"

"Wash my hands?"

At first, he didn't understand what got me ticked off. That was till his expression changed and looked back down at the dough, I swear that you could actually see the moment of when the lightbulb would show up.

"Oh, I tell you what, I'll eat this batch; my germs, my problem see."

"Glad to hear that," I said as I smiled at him.

"Also sweater, clean, please," he said. That smile very quickly turned into a pout, he's clearly not going to stop. In a way, it is kind of my fault so I may as well wash it for him.

"I'll keep sensually squeezing this dough."

Just as I was about to leave and put him in Robin's care, when suddenly he started to grunt make all sorts of sounds that you wouldn't have a kitchen.

"That's it, loosen up for me baby, you like that yeah? You do, that's right."

Al must felt our eyes on him as he turns his head around and looked at me and Robin. I was staring at him with a slight blush while Robin, didn't look so pleased with what was happening in front of them.

"What! It's being made with love! You both should be proud of me."

"Yeah, yeah, beginners time. But really though, if you're going to make noises like that, at least keep it for the bedroom for you know who," she said to him as they both turned their attention towards me.

"What? I'm not affected by it, really," I said as I try to defend myself, but I guess I was jealous.

"Ok look, don't get jealous, you can catch these hands later, I'll even wash him first," Alphonse said as he tries to lighten the mood, and it worked.

"Ok look, if you will wash my sweater, I'll quit being weird with the dough ok?"

"Fair enough, but only if Robin supervises you."

"Ok, it's a deal."

From that moment alone and by the end of the day, we agree that Alphonse should come by again.

(I'm so sorry if this was awful😩)


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