XXV Let it all out and have a cinnamon roll with us XXV

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Ava's pov

So, here I am, in the woods looking for the very guy that honestly seems to hate me. Looking for Seth wasn't even that much of a challenge; not just because of the strong campfire he made but also because he chose the clearing, the very same one that I found myself in when I and Robin first arrived here.

But I just stood there for a bit, questioning myself if I have made the right choice to come here rather than home, but I come this far already. And Robin would be pissed if I just suddenly come back without an excuse. Plus, I still need to know everything on his said. Without any hesitation or fear, I walked closer to his camp without even trying to stay quiet.

"Well well well, like a moth to a flame. You just couldn't resist. Wait, Jolene?" Seth said with a slightly smug tone but that faded away from the moment he saw me. All that smugness turned to both shock and surprise. I bet he was expecting Alphonse instead.

"Hello again," I casually said to while sitting myself down on a log bench and trying my best to remain calm. Accidentally pissing off a guy like Seth is the last thing I want to happen, especially so early in the conversation that we are about to have.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"To be brutally honest with you, I'm curious about you."

"Curious? Come on now you know what they say about curiosity and cats. No, you're more like a coyote or a vulture; picking the bones clean of whatever roadkill you can find, isn't that right?" Wow, he's not even holding back anymore compared to back at the bar. I know he dislikes me but come on, we just started! Nevertheless, I got to keep my cool.

"Come on, there's no need to be that harsh. I just got here after all."

"Don’t patronize me! I can see that look in your eyes! You know, you and him aren't so different, he used to look at me the same damn way! Like he could fix me! Like he pitied me," he said while yelling at me. At least I've made a small start. The plan is for him to break down just enough to tell me everything, even if it means he has to hit me for that to happen. I didn't dare to say anything just yet as he continues his outburst.

"And you've got the balls to come up here, here to this place and what act like you understand me understand what I went through! Oh I’m sure Al makes it sound so damn sad, like I’m a victim of circumstance! Like I didn’t even have a say in the matter right?! A product of my environment, fuck that! I made my choices and even if they weren’t right, even if they weren’t good they were my choices! If you really want to understand me, if you want to relate then relate to this; my whole life, I never had a say in a god damn thing. I was always stuck with whatever decisions everyone else made! It was always poor sweet Seth getting stuck with the repercussions of everyone else’s actions, I couldn’t choose to go with my ma which I would have happily done! I couldn’t choose to be with Al because us being together made everyone so damn uncomfortable! Every time I came to a crossroads, my decision got made for me. How much can one person take, how long can your voice be silent before you start to scream before you burn everything down just to prove that you're alive? you want to relate, relate to that!"

I still couldn't say anything, hell I think it's best not to for now. After that outburst of pent up rage, it's only fair that I give Seth a moment to cool down but it also allows me the time to think about what he just said. Personally, I don't think I'll understand what he went through but I do know one person who went through something similar. There was a time when it was the same thing for Robin; because of how her parents lived their lives, everyone else just treated her the same way.

Always getting caught up in repercussions just because of her so-called family, but I think the only difference is that Robin knew that after we met, she had taken some steps back and just allow that hate to pass through. Showing everyone the side of her that wanted to be shown; the said that never got the chance to show, the real side of her and because of that she did very well with herself. She knows who she is, and even if everyone else still says things about her, it would never define her as a person. And if she can do it then so can Seth.


(Just a heads up, this might be a long everybody. I think that we have more than five parts😅 I'll do the next part later on.)


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