Part two: Animal Crossing

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"Hey, it's dinner time for dogs. Can you two fill their bowls please," I said to them. I didn't get a response from them but they did nod their heads and went to get the food ready. Giving me a short moment of peace, also enough time for me to finish the page before they come. I need a short break anyway.


Robin's pov

Me and Alphonse have made our way out of the kitchen and into the main store with bags of dog food in hand. Since we aren't open for the day. Within the minute we entered, we were immediately surrounded by them and we wasted no time in filling up bowls.

"Now let me ask you this cause, you know I ain’t that familiar with this game, why do we gotta be humans and all our little homies are animals?"

I wasn't actually prepared for that question. A lot of people have been asking that for some time, it was an odd choice but it's something that can grow on you over time.

"I'm not sure really. There has been some talk saying that the villagers are actually people in costumes, but who can say. Does it bother you or something," I asked him as I pat Barkley, Gale and Slayer.

"Well I just, I just feel like I’d be hella dope if I was some kinda pastel dude; like a bear or a lizard or a wolf!"

"So you're not big on the fact that your human then?"

"Yeah, well, I mean, really anything literally anything but a human; humans are wack! Well, present company excluded of course."

"Don't worry about it," I said to him with a smile. I was about to get back up till Al suddenly stopped me.

"No no, listen I got more questions, hold slow your roll for a second, this is important," he said to me as I sat back down.

"What’s the conversion rate for ding bongs, the Jingle jangles, the little things?"

"You mean the bells?"

"Bells, right, I just need to know this. What you call him? Tom Nook? This Tom nook guy is out here hustling; got us settling his land that he owns, we’re just tenants. You know we end up turning his land into an island paradise and he's like ‘oh awesome thanks for your help you can leave now’ then if he pulls that, don’t say I didn’t warn you."

The minute he said that I couldn't help but giggle. Alphonse does have every right to think like that, Tom really knows how to pull some shit. To the point where you would question his ways.

"You do know that he's a tanuki right?"

"He's what? A tanuki, is that supposed to make me trust him more?"

"How about I show you something that could help your viewpoint of him," I said to him as I pulled out my phone.

"What are you going to show me?"

"Some fan art of Tom."

"Tom Nook fan art? Alright, go on pass it over here," he said to me as I gave him my phone. He remained quiet for a bit as he looked over the images, till he turned his attention back to me.

"Alright, well, ok I’ll give him this he is very, dad shaped and he’s, I mean he’s cute so, okay fine maybe he's cool but if he pulls some shit like that; I will lead a revolt, because all my little island homies will like me, because I’ll be their best friend."

"So does that mean that you will invite us both to your Island," Ava said as she walked out of the kitchen and surprised us.

"Fine, yeah you can move to my island, I guess."

We both smile in victory when he said that. We're going to annoy the hell out of him when we get in.

"You can also name the island by the way," I said to him.

"Oh shit! I get to name it?! What the hell am I gonna name it? Candy land, AL’s vacation station, well-hung island."

The second he said that me and Ava took completely different kinds of reactions; they would be going all red in the face while trying to keep the bedroom thoughts away, while I on the other looked at him in disgust.



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