XIX The three new workers XIX

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Robin's pov

You know, I never thought that cool and chill people even exist. Aside from Ava of course, but let me tell you that the Mayor truly is not only a man of his word but is also a man of his word. From the day when the construction began on the shop he allowed me to stay at his place till everything is finished, even the dogs were allowed to stay. If I didn't know any better I think he has grown on them. During that time I was very busy putting together flyers and posting them around the town, Ava and Al have been helping with them as well. The only thing that we can hope for is that we can someone who is interested. Then the weekend came, which also became the day when the construction is also coming to a completion.


"Is this really the same store," I said to Ava as we both looked at the new shop with both shock and awed.

"Yea it is, I think."

"That much to take in?" We turned our attention to the Mayor who stood there with a smile on his face. Seriously, how is he able to do this?!

"Sir, this feels, this is all too much for us."

"Nonsense my dear, it's the least I could do. Now let's head inside so I could show you both the upgrades," he said while opening the doors with the new key and walked inside. We both let the dogs inside first before we picked up the bags and made our way inside, and while we got in we couldn't believe what we were seeing.

"As you can see, we have increased the size of the shop main room. Along with the number of tables as well as improved the space behind the counter, we even added a new and extra room."

"You have?"

"Yes, it's just over there," he said as he pointed towards a large yet opened space. I could see that the extra space was quite colourful, with a variety of comfy chairs, toys and bowls on the floor and with photos of the dogs on the walls.

"Is that a therapy space?"

"Indeed Ava. I figured that some of your customers would need something cute and fluffy to cuddle with, or at least keep them company."

"You sure have thought of everything sir," I said to him with a smile.

"What about the kitchen sir," Ava asked him.

"Don't worry even the kitchen has been handled. Now you could have more than two people in there. Would you like to see the upstairs?"

"Yes please!" We both said that at the same time with an excited tone. The Mayor didn't waste any time as he lead us upwards.

"As you would recall, there has only been one sleeping room but now you have another one for any of the workers wanting to spend the night, and increase the size of the restroom."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much," Ava said as she surprised him with a hug.

"You're welcome, the both of you. Well if that covers everything I shall take my leave. By the way, your new workers are on the roof." He told us before leaving we couldn't say anything as he left. Our new workers are here?!

Without saying anything Ava took off to the new set of stairs that leads up to the top of the roof. And when we opened the door, we were greeted with three unfamiliar faces.

"Hey! The bosses are here!"

"Hi there. Do you like the new look?"

"Would you both like a drink?"

"No, that's alright," I responded while still being shocked.

"You must be the new workers. Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us your reasoning for wanting to work here?"

"Well, my name is Emily and my reason for wanting to work here is because I need a job. Plus I need a bit of money to help my boyfriend out," she responded to us.

"I'm Alex. And the reason why I want this job is because I have a roommate who is constantly eating out my entire fridge."

"And I'm Noah, I'm just very desperate for work."

After they introduce themselves we couldn't help but to remain silent while not breaking eye contact. Three different people with different reasons for wanting a job, then there's only one thing to say.

"Well, Robin, what do you think," Ava asked me while smiling.

"Emily, Morgan and Noah; you're hired."


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