XX The angry belly XX

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Ava's pov

Ever since we got the new workers, things have been a lot easier for us, we have been getting orders a lot quicker and the customers love them but me and Robin have been surprised by them in more ways than one; turns out that Finn was Emily's boyfriend and let me tell you he was very surprised to see her there working, but he was happy all the same. Eventually, we even meet Noah's boyfriend, a guy named Jack and he is a very sweet guy. The only lover we haven't met yet was Morgan, when we asked them why we hadn't seen them yet; Morgan simply explained that their significant other suffers from depression and has made a promise that they won't push them to do anything that could upset them.

Today was supposed to be like any other day, but then my body had a different idea. Once I had told Robin what was wrong, they instantly told me to take a couple of days off till I feel better. I'd wanted to protest it at first but I couldn't bring whatever energy to do so, I wanted Alphonse's cuddles anyway.


"Hey, babe. You're not going to throw another pillow at me, are you?" Al said as he slowly made his way into the room while approaching me. Ever since my, period started, I became a bit moody. Leaving my poor Al a victim of my wrath, and because of that, I started to hate myself for it.

"Can we call a truce? I just want to explain myself."

"I'm listening," I said as with a low tone while turning my attention towards him.

"Okay look when I brought up yeah you being in, your current state, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was making some sorta some kind of insensitive accusation. quite the contrary; I was trying to find out if you needed anything. Like, ta-da! A teddy bear themed hot water boy, to put on ya angry belly bits you know," he said while pulling out the teddy bear before me. Alphonse knows me too well at this point, I'm a bit of a sucker for teddy bears but if it's a hot water bottle then it just became something even better.

"I also brought some medicine, some snacks and plenty of love and affection but only if you want it. I know you have like 2 modes when it comes to the scenario; you’re either a cuddle monster or if I touch you you’ll rip my limbs from my body and bludgeoned me with them until I’m all lumpy and swollen and like limbless."

The fact that he is being this sweet to me just hurts me even more. Al is doing his very best to help and to make me feel comfortable, and yet here I am being a moody and emotional bitch to him. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so all I could do was nod in response.

"Yeah? okay cool, here I got you," Al said as he gave me the teddy and the other essentials while making me feel comfortable.

"Hey Alphonse, I'm sorry for being awful to you."

"No, no I don’t wanna hear no apologies you’re fine, I just need you to focus on relaxing and taking care of yourself yeah. Look, I brought your blanket too."

Seeing such a familiar blanket always made me smile, especially when it is wrapped around you; it was the blanket that my grandparents have made me. Knitted with different colours of threads, along with silky squares with stitched patterns of flowers and animals and crochet design. I fell in love with the blanket the minute they gave it to me and I haven't let it go since.

"I don’t know how you do it, I stubbed my toe and I’m a whiny baby for the next week, your inside starts shedding and like you carry on like it ain’t nothing. Like you work and do all your business and like I couldn’t do that, hell no! That's metal as fuck."

"Al," I said in a stern tone.

"Ok sorry, I won’t talk about it."

"Thank you."

"You good?"

"Yea, I'm okay."

"Nice. So I was thinking later I might try cooking again. After the pancake incident, I think I’ll try something like a hamburger helper. I can brown some ground beef I promise, I swear I won’t screw that up! I’ll watch it like a hawk and then we’ll have a nice slow pasta dinner and we can watch some TV, does that sound nice?"

"That does sound nice," I said to him with a smile.

"Yeah, like one of those funny baking shows or something no drama. Unless you want drama, we could watch Titanic. though I still don’t know how she’d be like ‘Jack, I’ll never let go. Jack? Jack?!’ and then she drops his cold dead ass. Like, I get that she means in her heart she’ll never let go, but also like phrasing; your man is dying here because she let that ass go real quick. It's just like an insult to injury."

I can't blame him on that, while it is a good film but I feel like they overshadowed that moment of the movie. I mean, if I was Rose I would be heartbroken as well and I sure as hell wouldn't want to let go of Alphonse, but if I still hold on to him while he is risking life for mine. It's like adding salt-water and lemon juice to an forever open wound.



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