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"The alarm went off and wake her. "It's already 7:00am?", she thought as her eyes opened up unwillingly. Not that she had slept much. The nights seemed so shorter, now that she had to wake up early again. but anyways she's used to it and not to forget that she had a morning class today.

She made her way to the bathroom  to wash up. While she was brushing her teeth, she noticed a couple more pimples creeping under the surface of her skin near her chin.

Her acne had shown up a few weeks earlier, but it was a long time ago when it actually had started. Maybe secondary school? She doesn't even remember.but she don't care.."

"She motioned out from her room after packing her natural black hair."
She walked out from her room direct to a tiny place where they called kitchen.."seeing her mother was trying hard to see the firewood catch some fire she walked towards her..adda jam bandu na (good morning)she greeted her mother in her fulani accent

A ommi jam Husna (have you woken up )
noi a taskai dillugu school?(why aren't you ready for school)her mother asked as she picked up baby nokia phone looking at the time.."it shows 7:15am

Junta mi nyumi jutta mi taskan mi dilla waddu mi valle be kulgaldo tawon (I just woke up now, I will get ready,but let me help you)

"An kam accu yuhu tasku a dilla school(no go and get ready for school)

"Husna agreed quietly, as she returned to her room to get ready to go. She love her parents alot she carried a bucket and fetch some water in the tap .."she quickly took bath because her classes will started by 8:00dot.

"She won't like to miss any attendance.."she rubbed her Vaseline as she brought out her atamfa boubou that fit her body with a ash well-ironed hijab'"

Not bothering to look at the mirror she started searching for her face mask

Like her mother always tell her that husna it's good for a girl to be rubbing powder,putting on some lipgloss and applied some koil as a girl but she don't give damn about that. she prefer going natural.."

"The house was very quiet her sister and brother both left for school.."because the governor just make an announcement about the school re-opening after a months of lockdown .."

She ambulated out from her room as she told her mother that she will get leaving.."
Husnatu you haven't eaten anything?her mother says worriedly.."

"Adda please stop calling me husnatu she whine just like a small girl and don't worry I have some money with me "Abba gave me last night so I will squeeze.."

Her mother sigh" wala kundume Allah hokku sa'a (it's ok god bless you)Ameen she replied as she finally stick her face mask to her nose.

The street was so quiet..but when she reached to the main road the loudly noise reaches her the place is bustling some are going to school while some are going for work it was monday and it's a busy day..

"She waited patiently for the bus to arrived at the bus-stop the moment the bus arrived she claimed..what annoyed her always is that the bus always stop at junction to junction .."

The morning sun hit her face and She took a deep breath, feeling her heart slowing down. Looking around again, she came to realize that the hectic hour of the morning had begun. People were going and coming the way, car honks fill the air.

By closing her eyes the ride went quickly..When she finally arrived to the university building, She first went straight to the cafeteria to buy some buns so she could eat before getting to the department glancing at her phone time to time so that She will get to class on time before the lectures started.

"OH MY GOD!", she heard a familiar voice filled the the place . she turned around to see one of her best friends running to her

"I missed you so much!", Faiza squealed going in for a huge bear hug.

"Hey little scout !", she exclaimed, returning the hug reluctantly.

"It's been so long.she says looking at Husna

She's right, it's been so long since they saw each other in person. they didn't live close. She stayed at marafa u/rimi bauci road and it's far away from Husna's house and with the lockdown it wasn't easy to meet up.

They did it once, when she came over to Husna's house.

I see you're keeping your pandemic habits", Faiza chuckled.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I guess.". you really want those securities to send me back She mumbled softly with her soft voice taking her mask off..

"I get it, but it's been two months without any sign of the virus,
Mmm..yeah Husna whimpered nonchalant .."she doesn't like noise nor does she likes talking that much..she's someone who doesn't like to be free around any one.."

Her one and only friend is faiza since she started her university.."she wasn't interested in friendship with all these rich children she prefer her simple life but what can she do Faiza was always stick to her just like a  chewing gum.."

One of the most insistent lessons her parents tried to drum into her as a child was that money was not important for happiness.

"She was raised up like that,and she's happy the way she's  For a poor family, they swim in a river that has no end, they have stars above their heads at night, they have the whole horizon to watch and use as their patio,

They're personally poor. they don't have anything. Nothing at all . But it was hard to accept that they were poor because it never felt that way. They had everything they needed: food, clothes, and a roof over their heads.. her father's salary was only ever enough to feed the lot of them three times a day and the rest to pay the house bills.

"her sibling go to the Goverment school they had no money but they're living in peacefully life her father is struggling hard to pay her school fees.

Hey let's go..faiza exclaim standing up They both stood up as they passed through many student to their department some are gisting,some are discussing about the lectures,while some are insulting the lecturers that's what normally students do"

"They stop at department of micro biology"they had their first lectures and also the second lectures went in blur around 5:30pm dot they walked towards Faiza's car as she drove her to bus-stop where she could easily find a bus that will ride her back home.."

It doesn't take a long time the bus finally arrived as she hopped in..the moment she reached home she find her siblings eating food on the mat spread in the compound.."

Adda husna Jabbama (welcome back)they said together.."she raised her eyes looking at her siblings.."Abdulkarim and fatima.."

Noi on warti be lau do (You guys came back from islamiya this early )she muttered

Jamdi jego wadi (it's 6:pm already)they answered her..she nod her head as she went in seeing her father and her mother both listening to the radio.."

"She greeted them .. Noi school be jangirde (how's school and your studies) jam Alhamdulillah (fine Alhamdulillah)she answered as she gently walked to her room removing her hijab as she fold it neatly and kept on her tidy bed.."

She ate her food"after that when the adhan was called they prayed magrib and stay outside the compound enjoying each other's company....

First chapter!!!!!!!
We have met husna already.."what do you think about her?
Biko show some love 🙏🏽I promise you'd like the story.."
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With love

HUSNAWhere stories live. Discover now