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When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. -Franklin D. Roosevelt


"The raised of the sun seeped into the room reflecting her eyes.she rubbed her bleary eyes and slowly open them all setting them on the clock glued to the wall side of the room.she rubbed her eyes again to make sure what she's seeing is right.past 11 ya salam she facepalm and buried her head in her hands busy chanting something.Are you okay!?hameed walks towards the room with a mug in his hands he kept it on the coffee table.

"He pulled her hands down looking at her face "husna!?Are you okay?What's wrong?something bothering you?he questioned.

"Captain how can I face them?what kind of in-law I'm I slept too much?Why didn't you wake me up this is past 11.she sigh.He tucked her hair strands on her ear. Yesterday you were I let you sleep and beside I like watching you when you sleep like a baby.

"Her cheeks went all pink she bet her cheeks looks crimson red right now.he chuckled good morning wifey.hows your night.?

Fine Alhamdulillah Good morning."
He smile this isn't a good way to tell your husband a good morning. I suppose to get a kiss first then a morning hug he pout."

"Shameless man she giggles softly while he held her hands and let out a laughter everything about her is admirable he thought.

Give me my morning hug common babe he pulled her towards him while she wiggles in his arms.
He arched his brows staring at her beautiful antics ."stop being a drama queen and do it quick."

Fine look at that side just face the bed headboard she whispered.He chuckled "very smart" I won't face it just do it quick or else my hands are arching to tickle you he try to tickle her which made her laugh hard.

"Oh my Allah,wait!wait! she said in between laughing I'm tired she panted heavily she never felt her self laughing hard so open like this.Captain look at that." ant in your coffee she joke and somehow managed to get down immediately from the bed laughing.come here you he followed her immediately she reached to the bathroom door and stuck her tongue out locking it.

"He chuckled at her childish nature and shook his head.when she came out he's not there so she quickly dress into her red lase which has a net in the neck and a bit she tied her headtie and spread a bit of her perfume.she placed down on the bed quietly,this isn't easy she thought.she supposed by now greet her in-laws but from where will she start.?ya rabbi!"she missed home she missed her parents her siblings she miss everything about her home it's not easy to start a new life.

"A soft knock sounded from the door while she walk towards the door.revealing his sisters with a tray in their hands.they both have a same smile she's a bit confused hardly she'll recognize who's who between them because they look identical.although they didn't wear same clothes but it's quite confused and maybe despite that she don't know them that well."
But she notice one has a dimple while the other doesn't means munira has a dimple unlike bahijja.

Good morning aunt they announced cheerfully she can't help but smile at them.they're pretty masha Allah."Good morning she gave them their way while they walk in and kept her breakfast on the table.

"You look beautiful masha Allah they blurted while she thanks them."silent whipped into the room before she breaks it.who's Muneerah and who's bahijja she exclaim looking at them.

I'm muneerah and I'm bahijja
She smile you both look so identical so hardly I recognize you.

Just that you don't know us that's the reason but when you do you'll get to know us in a min time."
She nod her head without replying them.seeing she couldn't eat in their presence made them stood up to give her some space.

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