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"Since when she woke up for fajir she didn't went back to sleep,"knowing she will be going to school,She cleaned all the dishes before 7 and then blown all the dust  till 7:30.

"She didn't have a lot time to get ready as the class will start 8:15. She immediately took a hot bath.."

"She went for a light jeans with purple top which looked perfect on her. "Not so fancy and not so simple she brought out her well-ironed hijab light blue as she slipped.."Looking at the time in her phone.."that shows 7:45am.

"She also want to go to the market from school.."to buy zobo.."She picked up her bag.."and ambulated out from the room."

"Fatiiima ko a wata ha sare junta do (Fatiiima what are you still doing at home by this time?)she asked seeing her sister who is not ready for school.."

"Adda husna Adda husna mulumjo amin on vi to min waddai cede deftere ta min wara (the teacher said we shouldn't come today, if we didn't bring the money for the English textbook .."so I decided to stay..")

"Sai a subti jodugo sare? Bo a numai a yecca amin ga a wala haje jangirde mai (So you decided to stay home,? and you didn't even bother tell anyone because you're not serious right.)she said sternly looking at her sister.."

"Anma Adda husna (But Adda husna.)

Salu dillu yohu murnu junta do mido rene (Com'on my friend, before the count of three go and get ready I'm waiting for you..")

"She immediately changed into her uniform and came out making husna knock her head.."Toi kuje kusde ma?(where's your socks?")

Here's it fatima showed her the socks grinning..she rolled her eyes.."Salu watu (oya put them on..")

Let me talk to Adda ..after telling her mother that she is leaving they took their way to her sisters school which is not that far from their house..looking at her phone seeing it's almost 7:50am made her eyes widened.."

"Adda husna malumju habib vi mi hofne
Tomi meti mi nani inde mako ha.(Adda husna Mallam habib said I should extend his greetings to you..")
"Hunkodo ma sai to mi fi ma (If I hear his name again I will hang you up..")

"She met the teacher telling him that she will bring the money tomorrow insha Allah.."the man agreed."

It takes her few minutes to get to the bus-stop.when she reached her department in quick,the lecturer is already in,"to avoid humiliation she stayed outside.."for some minutes before he let her in.."

"Why are you late?faiza nudged her with her legs.."
I was just washing the dishes and I took fatima to school she answered bringing out her book.."

They had their first lectures,"which goes smoothly and after that they went to the masjid and pray zuhr they return for the second lectures around 3:00.

"We have lots of time before the sun goes down" Faiza said to husna who was concerned about its getting too dark out. It was 5:40pm when they started the test the lecturer had given them.."

"While they worked on this "no time-limit" test, he sipped his coffee and enjoyed watching the students struggle the lecturer is very wicked though.

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