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"Today is Saturday meaning no school Walking out from the room , she sauntered into the kitchen where her mother breakfast?

"Adda? Kowadi a watta kuje hasutuggo? A andi a nyudo blood pressure ma ommi Toi Fatima? (Why are you cooking breakfast? And you know you're sick you had blood pressure,Where'sFatima ?" )
husna asked, raising an eyebrow as she crossed her hands over her chest.

Her mother glanced up, diverting her attention from the pap in the steaming pot to her daughter. She wore a black T-shirt and a wrapper, Her natural black hair was tied up on her head in a neat bun without a single loose strand in sight - which emphasized her sharp cheekbones and tall nose. 

Mivi mo o dilla islamiyya. Minani miyi defogo mai on. Bo ma ai mi yambiti Yohu a taska dillugo islamiyya (I told her to go to islamia husna . I decided I wanted to cook, and besides I'm feeling better now? go and get ready for islamiya)

"her mother said laconically as she reached for a rubber cup from the basket and began spooning pap in it.

"You will never cook, Adda."as long as I'm here you needed to rest husna said bluntly. "Like never. In fact, this should be the last time I will see you set foot in this kitchen.."

"Her mother shook her head as she placed a silver spoon into the cup .look husna I can't be just sitting like that leaving you with all the work.."

"She rolled her eyes Adda Min do vola hala jamuma haddo on (we are talking about your health right now)

"Her mother took a deep breath.."Alright husnatu
Adda she whine taking a rubber chair as she placed down on it taking her pap.."

You're running out of time it's getting to 9:00 hurry up she drank all in a quick "She got up from her seat, causing a loud screech of the chair rubbing against the ground.."

Her mother frowned.." that's unacceptable husna.what have I told you about getting up.?"never make that sort of sounds.its very irritating and disrespectful.."

Sorry adda
Her mother smiled back as she watch her walking out from the kitchen.."after that she walked to her room getting ready for islamiya she normally goes during the weekend.."she picked up her Qur'an

Just she was about to walk out her father came in with a polythene bag in his hand. She reaches him immediately collecting the leather and kept it.."

"Husna why aren't you ready for islamiya her father asked?
Abba I'm going now..
"Allah hokku sa'a (god bless you)
Ameen she replied as she walked out from the house.

"the islamiya wasn't far from their area.."her phone that is on her hand started ringing she knows no one will call her right now except faiza.

"My hussy faiza chirped.."are you still awake?she said in her sleeping voice

"No"husna answered her as she kept on walking"
I'm sleeping and you're waking me up stupid.."they laugh

"Faiza was a truly a good friend.her parents are rich but faiza is someone who always like you for what you're.."

"You aren't sticking to the plan hussy"you promise to come over today"please I can even send the driver to pick you up"

Husna smiled.."little scout wallah I'm going to islamiya right now and adda won't let me out if it was about that guy you're talking about.."

Then just forget him,block his number,delete him outa your life.."move on and start afresh.."

Faiza laugh then am gonna hook up with his best friend.

"Hell no count me out in this.."just break his heart but not that idea please.

I don't just want to break his heart I want to dip it in liquid nitrogen and then smash it until it's powder and snort the powder.what do you think about this.

"Well I totally support this decision.."anyways he mess with my little scout.

"Wait hussy let's just kidnap him.."and break his bone "I can keep him in mama's room under her clothes and he will remain sickly and we keep some cats in her room so he won't be able to escape.."

My problem with you is that you don't have sense." at all,and besides all I said I'm just joking."don't do that just leave him,I'm heading to islamiya bye.,she cut on the call seeing her infront of her islamiya Madarasatul Abdullahi Ibn Isma'il"

"You're late as always says mallam habib.."
She immediately grim up her face giving him no room to start a conversation with her.."

Asma'u please just for once will you listen to me"
"Can I go"
He shift a little but please meet me in my office after closing.."

She hiss slowly as walked to the class"they returned back home around 12:00pm dot
Adda husna Min wawan min volda? (Adda husna can we talk?)"Fatima asked husna as she was washing the dishes. They just finished lunch , and she waited for their mother to go to bed before asking her.

"Of course," husna answered. she gave her a slight look before turning her full attention to doing the dishes.

Fatima hesitated. She took a deep breath, squeezed the tip of her top before she said," our school fee has increased.."and.."

And what?"she looked at her sister , studying her expression.

"They said that we should not come again"until we pay.."

Fatima looked at husna that is quite for a while.she doesn't know what she was thinking"and it's infuriating her in a way.."husna always knows what to do.."when it comes to a tough decision-making,husna was always the right person to talk about anything.

"Does Adda or Abba knows?"she asked this because of the situation they're right now.."this was the last thing they wanted.their parents to know.

"No they doesn't" fatima answered with a slight shake of her head.but maybe Abba hear in the radio station.."

"And I don't think he got paid.."
Husna think for a while it's ok on Monday we will go to your school then I will talk to them.."

She nod her head"salama alaikum says Abdulkarim as walked in going to the tap directly washing his hand.."

Adda husna A andi ko ginnado do wadi amin na (adda husna you know what that stupid man did to us.."?)her 17 year old brother said
Noi mi anda ta Abdul (How will I know Abdul..")

O hokki amin N150 (he just gave us N150 )and I think maybe you can squeeze it to buy the zobo right?"he says looking at her"
Umm."Abdul bring it we will manage with the little we have maybe selling the hibiscus drink will be the best decision.."

"Fatima finished up let's go to the her brother is learning a work as a mechanic.."and he earned 200 each day.."

They wanted to start selling the hibiscus drink maybe so they can raised some money and help their father.."

"Husna went to her mother seeing she's sleeping so she don't want to wake her up..." she just carried her hijab.."they went to the market and bought the zobo and the flavor.."

The moment they went back home.."they Rinse out the dust from the zobo leaves with cold water.while fatima ..Wash and peel the skin of the ginger and blend roughly..."they slice the pineapple.."

"They put on the wash zobo in a pot after setting the firewood.. after pouring enough water to cover it totally.
Just in a hour they finished everything.."and pour on the bottles after adding some ice-block.....

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