Chapter 65

978 116 9

"The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other." – Mario Puzo


Eight months later...
U/dosa kaduna....
"I've put on weight again. Look at me I'm huge," she touch her baby bump and pout looking at the screen .He didn't care that husna has add alot of wait despite her pregnancy ".He knew that there was a knack to these conversations, if he said the wrong thing he knew that there could be tears, screaming or the silent treatment . "who told you?, you look great babe."There's no any women of your age who is pregnant and look good as you do.

So I'm old and past it? That's good to know."

he realised his mistake instantly and began to try to smooth things over. "No of course not, I just mean you look so much better than people of your age. You look at least ten years younger."

Ever since she got pregnant she had not been feeling herself , she had been very moody, listless and tearful one minute  she's irritated and angry the next."It been eight months already everything happened so fast in blur her pregnancy is getting to nine months now."She's done with her masters Alhamdulillah,and she started working in a Mendal center of biomedical Science lab in Cyprus.she earn her salary every month."

During the first trimester of the pregnancy it wasn't easy for her."she actually suffered."she has been admitted to the hospital for almost two weeks,because she couldn't eat nor drink anything without throwing them up."during the second trimester it wasn't easy also she experience back and abdominal pain every day.ever since the pregnancy reaches eight months she's excited and anxious at the same time.her due date is on 9 December as per what the doctor told them.she always experienced stress and discomfort her back always aches."ever since she got pregnant just for once he never left her sight ."sometimes he'd feel like to take the pain back to his's very painful,men can't do such things."women are very strong. he couldn't imagine the stress of carrying another human his body.

At her first trimester he had take about 2months leave to stay with her."taking care of her."sometimes he'd be massaging her legs and made sure she fall a sleep the first day she had the baby start kicking they couldn't hide their happiness, sometimes he'd take her out for exercise as per what did doctor instruct them,sometimes they would go for a long walk along the district ."or sometimes they would go for shopping buying clothes for the babies they're so excited about the pregnancy"they even decorate a room for the babies despite the doctor did told them she's giving birth to twins."they fill the room with everything they think the babies would like."they spent money anyhow when it comes to their babies.

he's the best husband ever,gentle calm and also caring."he has been patient with her through all the journey."she's so glad that she married him."Words cannot explain it, he has grown to be such an incredible husband. she always feel blessed to have him in her life. In fact, she always think that she's the luckiest girl in the world to have a person like him as her husband.he always try hard to keep their marriage healthy."she always got him in her shoes

She came to kaduna to attend faiza wedding he'd told her that she's not going anywhere despite her situation but she had to give him all the silent treatment for about a week until he agreed with her.upon coming to kaduna they went to Adamawa and gave their grandma a surprise visit."

"You look so beautiful now that you are carrying our precious babies You really are breathtaking! You are going to be such a wonderful mom!he smile at her.aren't you going to the dinner."?

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