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Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life." – Lisa Weed


Five years later..
"I'm pleased to announce the promotion of captain Abdulhameed Aliyu Danbatta from Captain to our new Senior first officer.Abdulhameed has worked for our airlines for more than 10 years and has been one of the most hard working member of our team.

He  is a hardworking, skilled pilot who has spent more than 10 years with Cyprus Airlines. He is always eager to expand his knowledge and further his education, even as an experienced pilot. In addition to his flying duties, he dedicates his time to participating in continuing education programs, training for new ratings, and keeping up with the latest safety information. We're so proud to have Captain Danbatta on our team, and we're confident that he will excel in his future position. Best wishes for smooth flights and safe

He  stood there beaming as the new stripes were placed on his uniform. He shook hands with the other pilots and accepted their congratulations. The twins came over and hugged him, saying

Congratulations daddy the twins hugged him."my babies he smiling widely pecking their cheeks."thank you so much."

"Congratulations she whispered he smile softly looking at her thank you Asma."we've another surprise for you she whispered picking adeel from his hands."

Another surprise wow! I'm eager to see it then."

Adeela close his eyes with her tiny her hands what's this surprise?"he exclaim smiling."
Daddy don't ruined it!"please."okay daddy princess I won't ruined it he smile."as they walk out from the aviation."

And here we are she removed her hands from his face."the both two families where standing outside.
God! he exclaim."happiness clearly shown on his face."overwhelmed with happiness. Everyone started cheering, thrilled to see how surprised and delighted he was.

Congratulations in-law fatima and Abdul exclaim."
Thank you!
Congratulations bro the twins exclaim."he hugged the both of them smiling after handing Adeela to fati."

He greeted his mother in-law .."the other surprise reaches him when he heard they both plan a surprise party for him."he take a look at the decorations CONGRATULATION was written boldly in a banner placed to the wall,the tables full of his favorite dishes. The glass plates were arranged with white flowers and ornaments, giving the room a clean, pure feeling. In the center of each table sat a bottle of champagne, ready to be popped open. He  felt overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love and effort that had been put into this party for him.

Congratulations!!they both announced cheerfully!
The happiness in his eyes couldn't be hidden five cakes were arranged perfectly on the table."she held his hands while he cut on the cake."they'd snapped them with their kids both in their hands.

congratulations captain she whispered she cut the cake and shoved a little in his mouth."
He wink at her smiling."The rest of the day was spent enjoying the food, taking photos, and laughing with loved ones. At one point, Muneera exclaimed, "SAY CHEESE !" and everyone gathered around for a family photo. The moment was captured in a snapshot that would be cherished for years to come.


Prado Beach Paris.....
They both were Dress in a beach clothes they settled in the beach chair sipping their coconut drinks and watching the sunset."Listening to the rhythmically waves lapping against the beach shore cascading and caressing each grain of sand."they watch as the children busy playing buildings sand castles.they'd look happy enjoying their moments together.

He whipped his head towards her direction.and smile at her.if not because you delayed everything we might by now have 10 of them."

Oh you just shut up. don't start please,why can't you forget everything?here I'm as your beautiful wife and our kids ,this two are enough for us."!she removed on her gucci shades looking at their children."

I can't seems to forget the toughest time he chuckled Yes they're unless if you really want us to add another."maybe we can.."

No..no she cut him in between I don't want!"the two of them are enough may Allah bless them and guide them for us,and may he continue to bless and protect our marriage."

Ameen ya Allah he replied smiling......"

So here we reached the end of this book.the  ink has just stopped here,"I'll miss writing this book seriously.it's an Amazing journey,between Abdulhameed and husna."

Special thanks to my friends. And sisters my sweetheart my one and only saa_mujeili For translating some words in fulani language.am not fulani thou infact I don't even know how to say a single words with that language but she'd help me with that😂she's always supportive and helpful all the time.I love you so much girl.what would I do without you 🫂❤️ my two lovely sisters Ameera and fauziya,"how can I forget the two of you thank you so much my two kiddos ❤️fidaya yakubu And mamahi you both are such a great friends I don't know what else to say but I am incredibly blessed to  know you guys in my life. I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you.🫂

Thank you so much guys for adding this story to your library and reading it I truly appreciate it.thank you also for sharing it."

To those who always follow me in each and every chapter blessing my day with your votes and comments thank you so much guys it means a lot to me."may Allah bless you all." I love you guys so much ❤️

Nobody is perfect Forgive me for my mistakes.
See you next time

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