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"Husna,now that you're walking so fast,tell me where are you heading to.?"faiza asked, as she saw husna walking out from the class in hurried.."

"I want to go to the market.."-and also I have so many things in head today.."

"Faiza drag her back let's go together then.."they walk to the parking space to meet him leaning against his car he was clad in his sky blue blue kaftan.."

Smiling always with that killer smile on his face.."he lift up his eyes and their eyes met with each other she furrowed her brows.."

"Faiza what are we doing here?she asked.."
What,?what, he will just drop us in the market since we are done early today,and yesterday I totally forgot to introduce you to him.."

"Come let's go.."
"Yaya hameed this is husna.,my one and only best friend and hussy this is my brother ya hameed she concluded the sentence smiling.."

"Seeing she isn't ready to say anything made him spoke with his manly voice "good afternoon" Asma'u

"She immediately covered her face feeling embarrassed after all he's faiza brother.."sorry good afternoon"she greeted him avoiding his intact gaze on her.."

"She could feel his eyes roaming around her which made her uncomfortable.
I already find a beautiful wife over here, he exclaimed looking at her..Making faiza laugh seeing the way husna rolled her eyes,and she already knows that maybe hameed was only joking.."

Or don't love me?he questioned as he arched his one brow looking at her direction.
Faiza I will get going, she exclaimed annoyed faiza hold her hand immediately."Hussy he's joking.."

"Since you rejected me can we be friends?.."he looked her in the eye which made her muttered some few cursed words under her breath.."

"Ah!!!finally she spoke, I got to hear her soft voice, he tease holding back his laughter looking at her.."but fail to keep a straight face,Since I'm faiza's brother then can I atleast be your brother.."?

"NO" she gnashed her teeth.."sparing him a few glares on his way.."Both him and faiza burst out laughing which really annoyed her.."and she left the place immediately."Psycho she cursed as she walked far away from the parking space until she heard their car honk fill in the place.."

"She immediately stick her mask to her nose so no one would look at her just her eyes are visible.."
Faiza open the car door nagging her to follow them."she finally give up."

"He looked at her through the rear mirror she immediately grim her face." he slightly frown when the daggers were sent to him."

Rolling her eyes in annoyance she cursed him of umpteenth times today in fulani.."thinking he doesn't understand what she meant.."

"The ride went on in silent with her being uncomfortable, he dropped them in the market as he parked his car and waited for them.."

"Hussy please spare me right now,faiza chortle seeing husna was just glaring at her.." I swear he didn't meant all he said.."he was just joking I know my brother after all.."she grin like a Cheshire Cat.

"Maybe he just want you to be free with him.."he's just like that.."
I don't like him the moment the words slipped from her mouth, she mentally cursed her self.."

"I don't mean what I said,"I just "umhm!!"he kinda getting on my nerves..she pressed her lips together.

"This is how he's husna."he's just a friendly person.
But don't you think he stare too much I'm feeling uncomfortable seriously..

"I'll take note on that" faiza giggled.
She bought the zobo and the watermelon and the rest of the flavor before they made their way to the car.."

"He drive her back to the house dropping her..."

"You're back so early today?her mother questioned as she dropped the leather in her hand.
Yes she answered.."I'm just tired and my stomach began to ache she squeezed her face.."

Did you take your medicine today?
"Yes I'd take them before going to school..."

Adda husna Mallam habib said I should give you this her sister smile handing her a paper.
Hore manga(see your bighead)what did I tell you about this man?she went to her room keeping her bag aside.
"her phone rang for the fifth times she refused to pick up the call.seeing it's unknown number.the phone continues to ring repeatedly she groan and press the answer bottom.

Assalama alaikum who's on the line? she mumbled
Wa'alaikumu sallam.."it's me"
"You?who?you don't have a name?.."I'm hanging up right now.."
"Wait please don't hang up"it's just me.."
She rolled her eyes cutting the call "stupid!!maybe someone just mistakenly call me .."

"The phone continues to ring repeatedly she hiss standing up and sauntered out from the room" her sister came in and picked up the call.

"An moijo on?(Who are you? )she spoke
Who are you also?hameed questioned her.."
I'm Adda husna sister, maybe you mistakenly dial the number .."

"No"I'm faiza brother and also your Adda husna friend .,we just had a little misunderstanding and she's mad at me.."

"Oh!!so Adda has a male friend." and she never told us.."how close are you?"

"You see we are always together"she just got mad for some unknown reason and she's not talking to me anymore.."What's your name?

I'm fatima,and also I'm 14 year old,"I'm also the last born you said you're close to Adda husna she didn't tell you about me."?

"Oh!!"she'd,"but you know I just ,I want to hear it from you.."and also y'all got a nice name,Adda husna,Fatima,

"You forgot "Abdulkarim"And what about you?
"Well I'm Abdulhameed.
"That's Abba name,I can't call it.

"He chuckled,"then call me captain alright.?
What the hell are you doing with my phone she yell coming in.."

"Sorry adda it's just hamma captain and no one else
hamma captain? who's that? From where did that name come from?

"She hand her the phone immediately running out from the room seeing she's about to smacked her.

"Woah!!!"tigress"don't hit my sister please ..."now she recognizes his voice..

"Where did you get my number?,and why did you call me,?who gave you permission to talk to my sister ?she grit in one breath..

Tigress one question at a time, how do you expect me to answer all these.."
You know what I don't need your answer and don't ever call me again.."she cut the call.."

"No boyfriend,no male friend ,no one she mentally made a list taking a deep breath closing her eyes.."


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