Chapter 58

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If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. -Eleanor Roosevelt


"He gently pushed her back."if you think coming into my life is easy,"then you're highly welcome miss fareeda welcome to my world ."he gently shift from the door and led her in with her suitcases."

She tried to plastered a smile on her face as she watched husna laying down on the couch "husna !"
You sleeping? she questioned looking at husna who flutter her eyes open looking at her."Husna smile back at her."

You're welcome fareeda we've been expecting you in the morning."
Oh yes! due to some personal issues I couldn't make it."my room please she exclaim looking at husna."

I'll show you come with me."she managed to stood up while fareeda followed her behind."you can stay here she twist the knob and open the door switching on the lights in room."

Thank you!"
Husna nod her head and smile existing from the room."

"She looks into the room as she settled on the bed and unpacked her clothes arranging them in the closet."things are getting interesting she thought.a mischievous smile dancing on her lips."captain thought that he cannot fall in to my trap he think he's smarter than I,but I'm here to change that.

She took a shower and change her cloth into a ripped jeans with an oversized white shirt she took a last check of her face in the mirror and decided on one more touch up of her lipgloss , she ran her fingers quickly through her dark  hair.packing it into a bun."
Although she knew nothing could she do to drag his attention towards her he's someone who doesn't mind about how you look or your dressing."she thinks what he really checks in girl is just a good heart."

"She pick up her phone trying to contact her mother but wasn't able to reached her,the soft knock she heard on the door made her roll her eyes in annoyance knowing it might be husna at the door."

"She scanned her up to down before she flashed a smile."I brought this for you husna exclaim walking towards the room holding a tray of pancake and coffee."

I was even thinking of coming out to your place now thank you!"when will your classes start."?
Tomorrow in the morning husna answered.

"oh."my classes will start next week."I'll take this she points at the tea I'll come to the living room after I'm done."husna nod her head disappearing from the room."the girl is really beautiful she thought the fact that she couldn't deny.

"After dinner, they snuggled themselves into the blankets on the couch, cuddled against each other and watched 'The gray man' a action movie.the flickering of the tv illuminate the darkness in the room.It was classy and fun and hameed favourite all-time movie anyway because husna isn't a fan. As She snuggled her nose a bit more into his shirt, which he had put on for more comfort, and breathed in his scent, I don't understand this movie she breathed.?"

"Hm?' He hummed and leaned his head against hers"."What's this movie about I can't understand anything."

He gently stroke her hair,and smile at her. See this is senior CIA he visits a convicted murderer in prison, who  was convicted of killing his abusive father as a minor to protect his brother. Fitzroy offers the man his freedom in exchange for working as an assassin in the CIA's Sierra program.he told her a little about the movie."

"She threw the covers off the bed and slowly, stealthily got to her feet. She mustn't make any noise,. she moved the curtains quickly and looked out into the dark night. It was still and calm, no sign of any movement. she inhaled deeply to steady herself. She glanced at the clock , ten to midnight. She twist the knob of the room walking out from the door making her way to the kitchen."she take a glass cup of water."hearing their voice sounds coming from the palour she leaned against the wall , watching them cuddling made The colour drained instantly from her face, her stomach twisted into a tight knot."she immediately averted her gaze from their direction."Walking towards her room."a single tears slip from her eyes.why's that he never for once notice her."I can't live without you, I'm totally in love with you. You're everything to me, we have to be together. I would die for you I need what I wanted for every single tears that drop from her eyes they've to pay for the price." She shut the door and got back into bed, pulling the sheets over her head.


"There she stood at the door step of the kitchen wearing his white oversized shirt stretching only to her hips."she covered her  mouth with one hand laughing silently and the other holding a lemon."he glare at her." that's bad habit Asma please stop making that sort sound he exclaim it's very annoying,besides how can a normal person be taking lemon early in the morning it tasted sour.he squeezed his face."

She moved towards him taking the lemon making some sort sound in his ear laughing at the same time, trying to walk away he immediately grabbed her by the waist pulling back towards him.

Stop making that sound Asma."he says in a hush voice."why're you taking this sour thing this early."please stop it.isn't good for a woman to be taking it.

"she leaned her head on his shoulder."who said so?she gently draw patterns on his lips."taking lemon may aid weight loss and reduce risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and cancer.see its good for health she rubbed his beard.

He chuckled and gently leaned a little to her neck looses the collar of the shirt with his teeth sliding kisses between her shoulder and her collar bone."his Lucious lips on her shoulder feel so soft and tender."he take her by waist lifting her onto the kitchen table."she wraps her legs  and her arms around him pressing her lips on his."their lips did perfect move together."before she gently pushed him back."hearing the crackled sound of a glass cup.
For a moment they'd forget that fareeda is in this house."

I'I'm s-sorry for the intervenes I'll sweep up the messed."she looks down to her feet."I just thought maybe husna left for school already without her serving breakfast!so I thought to come and make something probably to eat."

It's okay I'll sweep.." husna started but hameed pulled her back let her clean her messed.go get ready let's have our breakfast in the restaurant."you need to get to school on time.......

Enjoy reading 🥂
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