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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney



"Hussy are you sure you're okay? what's wrong with you?faiza took a hold of Husna's hands.

I'm okay definitely,nothing has happened she reassured her trying her best to plaster a smile on her face.

"I hope you didn't expect me to believe you're ok.?
What happened?Has ya hameed done something to you? or you don't want the marriage again?.a single tears flowed down to her cheeks and she wiped it immediately.

Oh my Allah can you like stop this tears and tell me exactly what has happened,I'm scared already.

"I don't want the marriage she blurted out which made faiza eyes bulged out.?you don't want the marriage as in how? don't tell you guys had a fight again?ya rabbi come here sweetheart she embraced her in her arms shh hussy don't cry see don't drag people's attention here tell me what happened between you two.what did he do to you this time around he shout at you again or scold you.?

She shook her head,and wiped the tears with the tissue in her hands.

He hasn't called me for almost two weeks faiza since he left that day not to talk that he left this country and maybe mad at me.

Ya salam!Mad at you?and for almost two weeks? I don't get you? I thought you guys left happily that day?what happened suddenly.?

He'd be complaining about me lately faiza sometimes I don't get to understand your brother Muhammad is my cousin you also know that but whenever he called me and my number is busy he'll definitely try to pick a fight,so I kinda hiss at him that day and I thought...

"You thought faiza raised her brows?you thought hussy?now I understand what happened she crouched her hands. definitely you did something wrong to him,and you never apologize.whenever you guys had a fight you'll never make an attempt to call and apologize to him until he got tired and called you himself.pride and ego are destroyers of faith it deeply cuts into one's spirituality and can damage another's feeling of well-being and happiness as well.
hussy you definitely are hurting the poor soul's feeling.

"this stupid pride will kill you and ruin your relationship,think about it hussy you ain't dating for fun it will lead you to marriage,and already your marriage has been fixed for Allah's sake Husna the moment you guys get married don't even start thinking he'll tolerate all these.childishness.

Relationship and marriage are different things he can never endure what you did to him before marriage atleast he has been patient with you.your pride will just hurt the two of you seriously rather to say you in particular ! He's a man after all he can go and marry another girl and leave you please do let go of this ego aside hussy I'm advising you.

"What do you want me to do now?faiza I'm so lost I couldn't even think straight right now.ya rabbi

Apologize to him.'
Apologize? I can't just do that.

Faiza shook her head. ".hussy you always had a fight and then make up later but if you're in capable of that then do not dream about your marriage life Hussy. Do you know what'll happen? Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off". some girl will come and grab him by arms and take him away But if you are ok with giving your man to another girl  I've nothing else to say,You'll get the man you love back yourself you can't do it by crying or not calling him. Nothing will change while you're sitting down."

"Come here you!husna wrapped her arms around faiza what do I do without you.thank you so much little scout you're just the best."

"Now she's acting like she can't do without me call him right now.

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