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If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."– Albert Einstein


Husna wallahi you're coming to school today. I can't seems to understand you."it's almost one week without you coming,and I exactly know that you're not sick.I'm coming home right now to get before I come better get your cute butt off from the bed."go shower and I'll be there soon."Faiza cut her call before husna would bring another excuses to her."husna sighed she doesn't seems to understand things."she brought out their clothes and gave her sister 100 to buy omo so she could wash some of their clothes."

The moment she start washing faiza came in."she look at husna and gave her a glare while husna chuckled unknowingly to her faiza already paid their school fee together.faiza really knows Husna she wouldn't want to tell her what's going in their home but she understand everything.

She greeted her mother first while she kept asking her about her family and everything."fati why didn't you go to school? she asked which fatima replied her with they went for mid-break."faiza seems to understand what's going ."so she stay with husna mother and fatima waiting for husna to finish washing the clothes so they'll take their leave."

She finished washing the clothes and finally took bath."she hastily walked towards her room, and went through her room she scrounged for a piece of clothing that was 'presentable' enough." She search for her hijab.and slip on.."picking up phone she slide it inside her back."Let get going she look at faiza.."Adda hami yaha tan miyida o hafta ko fe'a ta (Adda let me just go I don't want her to understand everything)."Her mother beam may Allah bless you.

So the hell that kept you at home?like you're just enjoying."did you know we're also having a test today.and I somehow have to come and drag you because I didn't know exactly what's wrong with you."she concluded as she whip her head to husna direction who's probably not listening to her ranting.

Oh god!hussy are you even listening to me?what the hell are you thinking.gosh!!!she face palm."
Husna smile you like talking to much how's the wedding preparations?"

We aren't talking about the wedding we're talking about you right now."you missing school?,classes? I don't understand."atleast thank me I drag you today.

Faiza thank you so much! You're such a sweetheart what would I do without you.!"

Erm! now she's talking as if she can't do anything without me."well I've something for you but please don't freak out because I know you just like I know my stomach."husna let out a giggle,wiggling with her brows."

Damn girl why are you so beautiful."husna you're truly beautiful."so here is it."she pulled some papers and hand it to her."what're these papers for?husna asked looking bewildered." You just finished acting smart but right now you started behaving like a dumbass
husna lightly smack faiza."

This are your school fee receipt I don't really want to tell you but I realize that I've to because you've to keep these papers with you. I'm so sorry I did something without asking you.but you definitely know that I love you right? I can't do anything for my self without adding you in it. I beg of you husna don't freak out."

Faiza don't you think this is too much why did you do that?"."you've done so much to me faiza what should I say"where should I start."Thank you ... for everything you guys have done for me and my family! I really appreciate all that you've done. I will forever be grateful to you for your help. Faiza you've done a lot to my family You have been extremely supportive through this difficult time. You may not realize what a blessing you have been. Jazaakilaah khayran."

Oh!common why're you making it sound like a big deal hussy it's nothing stop making me feel some how."so how far you and my brother I haven't heard anything for a while." aren't you still in touch with each other?"

No! Weren't please let's not talk about that
but husna I can sense something isn't going well between you two."ya hameed even stop asking about you like he normally does I hope you didn't tell him something that got him mad at you."because I know he hardly got mad at people but when he does the thing isn't good."

Husna frown what would I do to him."trust me I've done nothing to him."
Why'll I trust you after all I know what you can do?"
Anyways he'd told me to extend my greetings to you that he's sorry about what happened which I don't know."

Alright husna exclaim non-chalant as faiza park the car at the parking space."they attend their first lectures which goes smoothly."they went to the masjid and pray zuhr

I don't think I'll attend the second lectures faiza settled on the chair."
You know the wedding preparations I've to go back home"

Oh!she exclaims standing up let me walk you to the car."
Hussy but what about you? Come with me let's go home."together driver will take you back later."I promise."

No let me just walk you to the car I've to attend the lectures I won't go back home now."
Ok let's not argue about this if you Said so then."

Hussy are you seeing what I'm seeing faiza exclaim taking a hold of husna hand."
What?husna look around."but she couldn't see exactly what faiza is talking about."

I'm seeing ya hameed there?"what brought him here?she dragged husna hand."as they walk to his place.ya hameed what a surprise?you in kaduna."good evening
He let out a manly chuckled."evening,how're you doing?"
I'm great what brought you here?"
well I came to see a friend he answered."

Mm!!! hussy haven't you see ya hameed here."husna pretend hard that hameed becomes invisible infront of her."thank goodness you came you can take her home after she finished her lectures."

How's the lectures?and the wedding preparations I can't believe this kid is getting married.."he crackle with laughter..
ya hameed don't forget she's older than you and lectures Alhamdulillah."

Should I trust you with my friend."
He nod you don't have to worry about that she's save .."

Ok hussy take care."she hugged her finally sliding in her car."
You still pretending as if I'm invisible infront of you.

He looked at her.."while she whip her head to the other side."it's ok I understand."so tell me something husna are you still mad at me about what happened.?wallahi husna I will never play with your heart, I love you for Allah sake but I'd respect whatever decision that you'll make and I promise if you want me to step out of your life I will."and never show my face to you I won't force you to accept me."

She look at him I've a lectures to attend."
I'll wait for you."
I didn't ask you to that."
I promise just go what time will the lectures end.."
4 she answered.
Ok good luck."

The moment the lectures end she spot his car."she knows that this guy truly do love her."poor him.
She knock the window which made him look up he flash a smile to her unlocking the car door letting her in.

The car ride went on in silent he park infront of their house looking at her."husna you haven't say anything."I'm going back to lagos today.and wallahi I'll respect your decision."but I'd be happy if you give me a chance."

May Allah swt protect us from the evil eye.

she mumbled finally alighted from car."he was astounded by her words he never thought that she'll accept him this easily.."a smile finally make it way to his lips......"shukraan ya Allah.

Husna don accept captain I still can't believe she gave him a chance finally.."
This is something I didn't expect I'm also shocked as captain and happy at the same time 😹😹😹
I was like what gotten in her today.."
Ansha wahala dai 😪

Vote comments and also share please 🥺🙏🏽
Good night y'all 🌚
With love😻

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