Chapter 57

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"Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life." – Unknown


"Good morning!" his voice echoes her."he snake his hands around her waist placing his lips on her cheeks."she slightly narrowed her brows.hitting the pan on the gas."

Ya Allah captain you scared me."she whispered."
Never intended to.he spun her around and pressed his lips on hers which he's almost addicted to.nothing was better than kissing her in the morning."

"What are you doing?" She questioned

"Just admiring the view,"his voice low . He nuzzled his face into her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

"You're going to ruin my cooking captain

"I'll take my chances,"he  Exclaim , laughing. "Besides, I can always order pizza if things go wrong."kin sani ai

She shook her head, but she couldn't help but laugh.
He buried his face in her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo. "You smell so good," he murmured. "stay strong. Stop it, you know that's not true," she said, but her voice was breathy, betraying her.

He just laughed, his deep, rich laugh filling the kitchen. "I'm serious," You smell amazing, and you look amazing too." He reached around and rested his hand on her stomach, gently caressing her. "You're so beautiful."

Captain the food will burn.she pout her lips

Fine I'll behave but just for now but moment she turn back to the gas he snakes his hand around her waist again.

Captain what's wrong with you today can't you even behave for a minute ?you'd said that you'll behave what's this now?and you know you're not wearing a shirt right.

I can't baby ,not when you look so tempting.and shirt I can put one if that bothers you he arched his brows

No, no, it doesn't bother me,", her voice breathy as she reached up and ran her fingers over his chest. "In fact, I quite like it."

he pulled her closer, their bodies pressed together. "You're dangerous, you know that?" his voice so husky. "I might not be able to control myself if you keep this up."

She let out a laughter . "Maybe that's the point," she exclaims , her lips brushing against his. "Maybe I want you to lose control."

He growled, and before she can say another word, his lips were on hers, his kiss fierce and possessive. She responded in kind, her hands roaming over his body, desperate to touch as much of him as possible. They were both breathing heavily, the heat between them building to a fever pitch.

Just when it seemed like things were getting out of control,she pushed him away "You're ruining my cooking, you bad boy. "You're banished from the kitchen."

"Aww, but I was having so much fun,"he pout ,. "Can't I stay?"

"No way," she pointed at the door. "Out you go, mister."

No why don't we  take the little party to bedroom kin gane ai he  bend a little staring at her face

She twisted her lips while made him chuckled Why haven't you wake me up,?he settled down on the kitchen island chair as he watch her cracking the eggs into the pan.

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