Chapter 59

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"Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing." — Seneca


"You think I'm lying! hameed you think I'll lie to you, I can't stoop that low."it's something you need to know about your wife. atleast even though you're showing all this attitude ."I can't stay there and watch someone else ruining your reputation and tarnishing your image ."you're blindly in love with your so called wife."that you can't see her fault in everything she do."she's there mingling with some men in school and you.."

One more words over here I'll surely change the color of your face he says through gritting his teeth anger flashing through his face and frame. .what my wife did is non of your business stay away from my marriage life."his anger became massive ."

What if I show you the proves,I've evidence so don't just think I'll come and stay in front of you cooking up some stories."she fish out her phone from her bag."trying to show him a picture of husna."

He angrily shoved her aside f**k you and the evidence fareeda."He walked towards his room with passion and always got angry, passionately."

He closes his eyes thinking back what really happened yesterday."he blame himself for believing fareeda at the first place."what makes him thinks that husna will really cheat on him.a ball of desperation unfurling on his chest as he stood up and walk out from the apartment."


"The smell of fresh coffee welcomed her first. The whimpers subsided. Like every Tuesday morning, the waitress placed the usual buttermilk pancakes topped with strawberry jam sauce and freshly cut strawberries in front of her."she take a bite of the pancake looking at the time of her phone."at same time her mind slowly drifting back to what's happening in their house lately she pressed her lips together."everything doesn't seems good now."they had a serious argument yesterday with captain." She just can't believe he's doubting her love for him."he thinks that she can mingle with some other men in her school knowing exactly that she's married."fareeda was even insulting her about her family background in his presence but he couldn't do anything about it."she don't even know what fareeda actually turn their house to."

Hello beautiful ! Whats up!? A manly voice snapped infront of her."she raised her eyes looking at him before she quickly averted her gaze."

What have I done now!"miss Asma ? Oh!im getting the silent treatment again."he bit his lips as he bent a little scrutinizing her face.knowing exactly she's still angry about what he did to her."he'd blame himself for believing what fareeda told him."

What!she barked picking up her phone shoving it in her bag."He smile thank god I get reaction out from her ."when will the anger towards me end."?."

Can you like leave me alone, she grit."
He bulge his eyes looking at her."what did I do?are you mad at me.?"

Why'll I be mad at you what did you do?"
Then what's this behavior?"

I said I want to be alone captain why can't you understand leave me alone."she quickly wipe the tears that fall from her eyes."

He shrugged no you can't be alone."!"you've to apologize for shouting at me yesterday night."he bit his lips looking at her."

Apologize to you seriously she snort."rolling her eyes.Yes if you apologize and not let your interlocutor speak then the topic is close."he cracked his knuckles looking at her."

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