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Our parents have sacrificed so much to raise us. We can never repay them for their kindness. However, we can do our best to honour them and treat them well.


At 7am she rose from her sleep like a rocket breaking the atmosphere into consciousness. As tradition dictated, she looked at the clock, told herself 'Five more minutes' and then got up anyway. she could not return until she experiences the day.Seeing her phone shrilled she ignored it at first knowing it must be hameed."he called her repeatedly as she stretch and picked it up..

Assalama alaikum
Wa'alaikumu salam she answered with her sleeping voice."
You just wake up now?he questioned.
"She yawned and are you?sorry! good morning.

"What should I say asma you got lost,I was thinking coming to Nigeria to find you.."now I'm doing great after getting over from emotional trauma you finally picked up my call.

can I hang up?
What will you do if you hang up? I'm piloting to Spain right now won't you pray for me?and I called you first before calling mom.but haka zamuyi?

I'm sorry captain I was just sleeping ..". I am wishing you maximum safety. I am praying for your secured arrival at your destination. I ask Allah to bless you abundantly. May the blessing of Allah be your companion all through the journey. Any kind of harm that causes accident will be neutralized by the angels of mercy. I will be praying for you as you move on.."

"Thank you sleepy head "let me call mom."he cut the call while she stretch and finally claim down from the bed.

She went out and and brushed her teeth first.the house was silent everyone is sleeping.she wash the dishes.and set some firewood.."trying to make their breakfast."just in less than an hour she finished the then the house had begun to wake up."she socked the beans in the water letting the skin swells
She could hear her mother voice scolding her brother.she smile cheekily hearing what her mother is saying."She was scolding him about going out early just to play a football."Adda what else do you want him to do he's a man after all she yell."laughing."washing some beans  and peels it setting it for granding.."

Husnatu you woke up so early today?"her mother came into the kitchen.
She smile I've to wake up early today I want to wash our clothes.fatima didn't wake up?Abdul should come take this for grinding."

Your father have called me he'd told me that he would be back next month that he's waiting for the man to pay him."

Husna beam I hope he should get the money on time because of Abdul's waec registration."
The moment her brother came back she whisk the batter until it's airy and fluffy she fried it immediately after breakfast she wash some of their clothes


Around 2:pm both were sitting on a mat  looking at their mother waiting for her to go further with her story."Adda you mean that your father was the one who denied the marriage and our grandma is still alive Abdul asked."?

"Husna looked at her mother who wipe a tears."yes she's alive."and also I got a brother ."he's married he
do live here in kaduna I just met him 3 days back."

My father was the one who denied the marriage.your father was an illiterate man.he is not working.he sells father didn't like him since from day one.but you know they said love is blind..I was blinded by your fathers love. I mean my parents were rich."

my father always want us to study.."he gots his children married after they finished their studies and started working."he always wants his children to stand on their feet.but the moment I finished my secondary school after I met your father. I decided I won't go with my studies."that I just only want to get married.

My relatives had warn me about where am taking my self but I refused to listen to them. my father said that if I get married to your father. I should count my self out from his children.and also I'm dead to him. He sent me away from the house and I got married to your father .. I just have one he's trying hard on me. I never told you guys about him.but he do lives in kaduna.with his kids and wife.His wife don't like us since the beginnings so that's the reason we aren't intouch with him.and he'd told me that my father wanted to forgive me but they don't know where I am.."

My brother will be coming later,now enough with the emotional moment fatima go and bring my phone your father said that he would be back next month."

Around 3:30 they heard a salam their mother's brother came in together with his son.."after exchanging pleasantries..their mother both call them
This is our first born husna and this is fatima then Abdul have went to his work place .."

Masha Allahu the kids are well grown up now
And here's my son khalifa he look at his son who is probably in his lates 30s.."

They both smile at him that's how the topic went on


Why awake by this time? He questioned,I supposed to ask you this she crawled in the bed."
I wasn't feeling sleepy,so now tell me why are you awake?

I wasn't feeling sleepy either ,he chuckled I'll send some cat to help you sleep."why're you scared of a cat Asma?"She have to stop her jaw from dropping.
"How did you – who told – how?" She ask, and he laughs, apparently amused at her inability to talk full sentences.

Are you surprised? I've known everything about you
It doesn't surprise me because I know you,and what you're capable for doing."
Why're you scared of cat he questioned,Not only cat infact animal in general.

I just don't like them.
That's pretty cool," he says, and she feel a strange warmth at the fact that he finds that cool.

So, you tell me something now Captain ," she ask,.
What do want to know?
"Something not a lot of people know," she spoke

I, um, I can't believe I'm saying this, but when I was about fifteen to sixteen years , I picked up dad car knowing he traveled and he won't be coming back anytime soon, unbeknownst to me that he's on his way coming back,I picked up the car and went out with it.without anyone in the house knowing, that day I received the beating of my life, dad beat the hell out of me that day,you know why?because I got into an accident with it.."the scars of the beating still remain in my face,don't you notice a scars behind my brows?"I'm telling you I just pick the car to chill with my friends.."

She can't stop herself from laughing. She shake her head, still laughing loudly, her stomach beginning to hurt.dont tell me you're such a stubborn kid."and I never noticed the scars."she slow her laughter."so how did dad came to know about it ?she stifling a laugh at the end of her sentence.the times flies as they kept on talking.."

I love you he spoke under his breath.."
You said something?"
N-nothing-not really good night sweet dreams make sure you pray before going to bed.."

Alright captain good night.....

Hey beautiful peeps."How're y'all doing"?
I sincerely apologize for the late update" I don't have enough words to cover up my self😅but wallah school stuffs and the rest, y'all know that I always update right ?🤦🏽‍♀️

Managed this chapter and enjoy reading 🥂
Insha Allah I'll try to be updating regularly from now on.."don't forget to vote,comments and share.🙏🏽

Much love ❤️

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