Chapter 28

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"The successful pilots succeeded because they did not open fire until they were close to the target." – Douglas Bader


One year later...
"The fiery red sun finally broke through the entanglement of the white clouds, revealing half a smile. A few small white clouds in the sky, like jasmine flowers with gold edges, rushed out of the clouds. The morning yarn gradually shattered, lingering, hovering, like a light smoke rising, sprinkling the golden sun on the hillside, shining on the smiling face of the hardworking.

Blanket flew in air as he got out of bed frantically reaching out to his MacBook, meanwhile the alarm is going off on the table next to his bed. Once again, he barely woke up, just before the daily stand-up. He switched off the alarm after booting the MacBook before he stood up and brush his teeth , just to save a few precious seconds. Gone are the days, where he used to wake up at 7.30, complete his morning routine including exercise, have breakfast, and then be ready for work. Nowadays, waking at 10 has become a chore.

Going through his phone he scroll down to Instagram going through the stories he view some and skip some."he smile when he come across her story.the year past by just like a blink of eye,and he just can't believe he finally gain her trust completely.
they share a very special bond between them.he loved her with passion but his only problem is that she still take him as a friend."it been a year since last he saw her.but they're always glued together through the phone.each and every past minute her feelings is growing stronger on him .although his friend told him to confess his feelings to her,his sister also encouraged him but he just can't he's scared that he might loose her.

While scrolling through Instagram, he received a call from faisal . Faisal went back to Nigeria last week.hameed couldn't since he usually escaped but this time around his TC kept an eye on him.."Conversation flowed from one topic to another. After talking for almost an hour, and exhausting all the topics, they had to end the call.he had a big smile on his face."he stood up dialing her number."he has to escape again to see her.

He look at the view through the window the warm rays of light reaching his face he bit his lips ."she answered the call in third rings Assalama alaikum "good morning" she mumbled."
Wa'alaikumu salam "morning" Asma bacci kikeyi?(are you sleeping)he questioned as he rubbed his beard."

"No." She answered
Asma kin manta dani (you've forgotten me)He could hear her smiling.he rubbed his beard kinyi shiru.(you're quiet)bakomai I'm use to it. I saw your pictures faiza posted was flawless. I bet you girls like fashion a lot.

Every girl like fashion.
Oh!really."that's new one for me.and why do girls like makeup.?"
I don't know either since I'm not a fan.
I've been curious."can a makeup artist do their face?"
Yes sure

Wow!thats some talent. I like that picture seriously. It's so beautiful to me." There's something about these pictures that I like.10/10

What's that?
The perfection.he answered smiling."how's school and everything.?
Fine Alhamdulillah how're you doing and how's work?
I'm all bored aswear down,Sh*t is going out here.i'm here doing nothing"just thinking of my girlfriend and TC isn't letting me go and see her.
God bless him yayi dai dai ai you like escaping.

Ni koh?Asma."I know you hate me,oya bye he cut the call smilling as he finally motions towards the bathroom.taking a hot shower."he got well dressed.looking at the screen of his Laptop he silently frown when he saw his dad and mom together with his siblings face popped in the screen.

Where are you guys heading to?"and that to when I'm not there."?
We'll going to uk."and that to without someone.his mother said."

Daddy this is your idea right?he slightly frown glaring at his siblings."not my idea but your siblings idea his dad spoke.

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