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The purpose of our lives is to be happy." — Dalai Lama


"Early morning the bird's were chirping outside the window the whole world is clear, and the sun shines gently on everything through a faint vibration. The sound of the light waves crashing into the beach house a fresh air peeped in through the viny sliding window while the transparent curtains are half way drawn.

She's sleeping peacefully in the bed just like a baby.
With a smile on his face he walk in into the room and approach her holding a tray of French toast,pancake,strawberry jam.and cappuccino coffee."Babe!" he kept the tray timidly on the bed calling her name.

Babe he softly call her name placing his lips softly on hers."Wake up. She slowly open her eyes looking clumsy and tired."Good morninlg he whispered."

"Morning she wrapped her arms around his neck smiling:"Breakfast he said in a hush voice taking a glance at her."

I haven't brush my teeth she raspy replied."
He arched his brow."strengthening her up."after she brushed her teeth .They ate their treat together."

when are you going back to Cyprus she questioned him. standing by the mirror side with an oversized shirt."he gently brush her hair with his hands."

Why?you want me to return back he gently pull her hair.
Ouch what are you doing?" She wince pouting."

Sorry !sorry I'm sorry he remember when you told me that you can't marry a pilot?he chuckled at the adorable reaction on her face."

Why're you looking me like this?"did you still remember."he gently placed his lips on her cheeks.

"I don't know what you did to me that I fall into your trap she scrunched up her face ." I was scared of heights."

Why are you using the word was."you're still scared now."you almost passed out in the plane.

Captain when did I actually passed out? I can't remember." why do you like talking rubbish,you're saying yen yen and stop messing with my hair."

Wow! I don't even know what a man will do to make a woman happy."? I was just trying to make this hair for you to make you happy he twisted his lips."she titled her head and a smile crept on her lips."she gently wrapped her arms around him and placed her lips on his lips."

You always make me happy baby,but can't you see how you make my hair look.uff"she roll her eyes."

"Let's go down to the beach and take a swim,"he suggested, and she nodded excitedly. They changed into their bathing suits and made their way down to the water's edge. The sand was warm beneath their feet, and the waves lapped gently against the shore.

"The water is so clear," she exclaim , wading in up to her knees. "It's like swimming in a crystal sea."

He let out a soft laughed and splashed her playfully. "Well, you know what they say - the Greek islands are a paradise on earth."

"How about we race to the buoy and back?" He suggested , pointing out to a red marker bobbing in the distance. "The winner gets to choose where we go for dinner tonight."

"You're on!" She replied. She took a deep breath and dove into the water, swimming with powerful strokes toward the buoy.He wasn't far behind, and soon they were neck and neck, the race too close to call.

As they approached the buoy, she put on a burst of speed, determined to win. He was surprised that she knows how to swim like this But just as she reached out to touch the buoy, he darted past her, laughing triumphantly. "I win!" he says, splashing water in her direction.

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