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Two weeks later...
"Hussy , over here!" Faiza waved at her
She took a seat next to faiza , "Hey. Sorry I'm late. I was in a bit of a rush this morning.."

You're always late hussy"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But anyways Thanks for saving me the spot though." She murmured under her breath. She rubbed her palm against the back of her neck and bit her lips. All the noise and chaos around her made her uncomfortable."

"Faiza gave her a weird look I just said you're always late,but you're telling me I'm right.."and how's your health.."?

"Fine Alhamdulillah,"and also thank .."she started
"Oh no"please don't start hussy, aren't we friends?not friends we are sisters from different mothers right?..she grinned.

Husna chuckled, as the lecturer came in the class is quite now.

"Alright, I want all of you to find a group of five or six to work with so that you can start  Antimicrobial Resistance research for the next week presentation we're doing in class." The lecturer taps his fingers on the desk next to her, "

I don't care who you work with,as long as you feel confident you will be able to collaborate with each other and complete the assignment. If I decide that the groups you have chosen for yourselves are not being adequately productive, I will have to reconsider allowing you to choose your own groups."

The students nodded in agreement, the lecturer clap his hands together, "Find your groups and get to work then." And also by next week  y'all should buy that text book,if not you won't attend my class ever again he announced.

She just began to think how can she buy that book almost 5k,and Abba didn't come back yet from his working place. and again he didn't got paid..,what can she do.?"the hibiscus drink money won't be enough for her.."

Within a second, students began shuffling out of the chairs to find their friends. , hussy look at Faiza,who had hardly been paying attention to the instructions, she was just scrolling down her phone.

Husna tapped her on the shoulder and dragged her out of the chair away from her phone . "Faiza , c'mon were you even listening to the instructions?

We need to find a group. Let's go ask some people to join us!" tugging faiza along, they walked across the class , chattering loquaciously with other students, asking if they had already formed a group. After a few stops, they were finally able to find two other individuals who were willing to partner with them."

Still dragging faiza along with her, husna beckoned for the other two students to follow them, and they found an empty table and placed down .

They began sharing all their ideas of what they could base their presentations , and how they could get started.

Husna remained quiet, simply nodding when necessary. Occasionally, she would throw in a suggestion here or there, but talking with complete strangers made her uncomfortable, so she left that responsibility to faiza , who very much enjoyed talking to complete strangers. And just like that, the time passed by."they went to the mosque and prayed.

When are you going to start teaching me your language?Faiza exclaim as she pulled into the high way.."

She smiled,whenever you're ready .."Just because she's smiling doesn't mean She's happy. Because it takes just one smile to hide a million tears." She's thinking alot right now,how can she settle the payment of her siblings school fee?"and the book"

"Where are you taking me?she questioned softly seeing faiza change her way.."

"Well am gonna sell you out.."you are worth of millions .." I'm expecting millions right now but this that you're becoming slim will make them reduce the money.."

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