Chapter 30

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"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated." -Maya Angelou


Captain!?you're just blinded by love."so you definitely know that this would be her reaction then why the hell are you worried?."you've to give her some space to breathe ."atleast just act like you forget about her."The more you show her you're worried or you care the more she'll be showing you some attitudes."And training captain didn't even know you come."captain you're playing with your job truly."faisal concluded looking at hameed who's laying on the bed with eyes close."

I don't fucking care about the job men to hell with it."all that matters to me is that she should just accept me." I can't let her go."
Faisal hiss."ok majnu you can go back to her this time around I'm sure she wouldn't only shout at she will slap the hell out of you maybe that's when you'll definitely comeback to your right senses faisal hiss pressing his phone."

You won't understand serious I really love the girl with all my heart someone hurts her before that doesn't mean I will hurt her also."how I wish she'll give me a chance to show her how much I'm madly inlove with her."I've never seen a girl who's seriously giving me headache like husna.."she said many was terrible,oh my Allah I don't know what to do. . I can't seem to get my mind off her. Even though I promised myself that I would try to forget about her and prove that I really don't need her, there is still this dull feeling in my gut. A hurt, almost . . .

Captain let me advise you on one thing..just go back before this man notice you're not there he won't take it lightly with you this time."just give the girl some space."she need some know how girls are. Especially someone like her."she won't even listen to you now."

You're right."he look at the time."I can't go back today." I need to go to Abuja tomorrow."

Faisal stifled his laughter."wallah captain Allah ne yakama ka you see the way you act to all those girls that loves you."the battle turn upside down with you."He let out a chuckled."
what would you like to eat? faisal asked him."

I don't feel like eating he replied."faisal shrugged can I see our bride picture atleast,you never showed me her picture."

Oh!picture. here she's.beautiful isn't she?he questioned turning the screen to faisal."faisal let out a laugh holding his wonder she drive you crazy.ashe she's hot."

Hot?no she's coffee hameed roll his eyes."what says the time now."
hameed nod his head.."the next day he took flight to Abuja."hameed?you in Abuja.
Ya mimi you won't understand exactly what's happening to me."my life is hanging upside down."she rejected me."ya mimi she don't love me.

And what happened?she questioned looking at him
I confessed my love to know how she's."she's tough.strong-headed person I told her several times since before I confess my feelings to her that not all men's are the same. but she doesn't seems to understand anything."

Calm down hameed."do you expect her just to accept you now.she won't even if you went on your knees begging her she won't accept you. you've to give her some space. to think,common captain be a man don't call her nor text her for a while."

Oh Allah!ya mimi I do love her a lot,I don't know what to do if she rejects me again.his sister chuckled.captain love is making you go crazy gaskiya I've to meet this girl that is giving my brother a tough time."

So how's the work.?
Fine Alhamdulillah,I'm going back today insha Allah if this man notice I'm not there since yesterday I definitely know I'm done wallah."he gonna got me fired this time around."

You should get going."he nod his head shoving his phone in his pocket.give this to Superman when he comes back from school.


he just come out of a disciplinary hearing for throttling his training captain He was messing with him. dew to his final warning he got sacked today.."he sacrifice everything flying a plane ,The ego-maniac was interrupting his life,the thinks he really cared when he sacked him."he's even happy he's gonna see his family everyday."

What this idiot of a training captain tried to pull was the last straw. Thanks to that single grain of sane morsel remaining somewhere in the far reaches of my mind, I let him live..."

His colleague let out a laugh from his side which made him feel like slapping him hard on his face.."
What did he told you now?his colleague questioned.

He'd told me that I'm sacked ,he said that he's calling my dad so I could explain to him what my bloody problem is.he fired me on the spot."

But don't you think what you did wasn't right captain you try to get into fight with him.remember he's your training captain."

And so he's trying to slap me can you imagine f**k the job that next time I'll do worse than give him a temporary loss of breath. I'm done with this job I rather work with my country airlines he continues packing his stuffs and shoving them anyhow inside the suitcase.."he tried to apologize at first but the man isn't listening to him he knows he made a mistake but he apologize right?he knows he's the one at fault but what could he do.."he also needs to be with his family."

He zip his suitcase picking up his backpack shoving his phones in his pocket.."he turn around and look at his friend he threw the key to him..hand this to faisal if he come back.."till we meet again.."with that he flew back to Nigeria he's hell happy about this he began to think,wether to join Nigerian airlines or to join hand in his father business,because he don't think he's coming back to Cyprus again.."

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