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"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." — Muhammad Ali.


"It was already Wednesday , but for some reason, She still didn't feel prepared for today ,she's shy,nervous,happy at the same time." The house was was bit of noisy , the meal was prepared, everything was intact, if someone told her that this day will arrive a day that she'll marry hameed she'd definitely think the person is a creep., but it's happening already,she always thank Allah that blessed her with  someone like hameed who cares for her,he's always there for her no matter what,he's the only person that can tolerate her mood swings,she anxiously paced around her room in anticipation.she doesn't want her in-laws to meet her in this house,the kayan lefe (betrothal gift) will be delivered today by the groom's family.and same time she has been calling him but his phone wasn't reachable,he'd told her that he'll flew to Nigerian since morning,despite that the wedding will be next week."

"The buzzing of her phone caught her off-guard as she daydreamed about how today was going to go. She yanked it out of the pocket of her atamfa gown, not sure who or what she was expecting to find. Could it be that his flight was changed?"Could it be that he was asked to stay longer?ya Allah,she don't want anything to go wrong in her wedding,like she experienced it back then.

"Thankfully, it was only a text message from faiza
"Are they back already?" She texted her
"No not really ," She responded.she'd be waiting for Khadija and hafsat but they aren't here they went to the market with fati, so she'd texted them to meet her up in cold stones she's going to meet up faiza..
She picked up her red veil and wrapped around,she slid her phone in her back,calling Khalifa to pick her up despite that the traditional beautician was here all the way from maidugri and the treatments has started all ready,her skins already started to changed.she glows her skins looks so fresh and smooth.

"She called and plead with him to come and pick her up luckily before he arrived the two have come back from the market they just changed their cloths and waited for his arrival."

"Amarya"he voiced out the moment Husna entered the car.she smiled greeting him while they kept on teasing her through out the ride until they arrived to the place.

"Oh my holly black peppe! hussy!did you just see you? I couldn't even recognize you. faiza squealed going in to a huge bear hug.husna let out a smile please little scout you're chocking me Husna breathed out.

They exchanged words between hafsat and Khadija before they settled down and placed their orders.

"So hussy About the henna designer?faiza started
I've already talked to someone already she's coming all the way from adamawa on Wednesday insha Allah.khadija said.

Faiza hummed and about the photography visual photography will be here,the makeup I've already talk to genoverabeauty already.

"Insha Allah by next year I'm also next hafsat said.
You guys are all lucky to find someone who really loves you but I think I'm not lucky,the guy I dated dumped me and he also suppose to apologize  but he'd told me that our relationship breakup is excitement.I was crazy thinking of that I didn't understand said Khadija."

"Oh Allah I can't believe you're like this husna exclaimed for about a week you're saying the same thing you've went insane definitely,she rolled her eyes.

"But hussy I'm disappointed every time I date a guy.
Oh cool down sister I told you it's your choice over guys just think about the guys you dated,says hafsat.

"If you keep on glorifying worthless men you'll soon definitely go real crazy husna pressed her lips together trying hard to see the laughter didn't escape from her throat.

I'll not date anyone again, She sighed

"Who said you shouldn't date anyone just find the right man and stay away from bad that's if you insist on having relationships,and I'll give you some tips faiza mumbled.

Oh Allah! I can't do this she sighed which made them burst out laughing around 5:00 her aunt called and also told her that the in-laws have left already she they returned back home Alhamdulillah 12 boxes was delivered masha Allah.


She was dressed in her pink with a touch of black and white atamfa which was sew into  boubou packing her hair in a bun she wrapped her veil on top of her hair,she just can't believe that 3days left to her wedding ,everything happened so fast she's going for to the saloon today,she needs to wash her hair and do a Manicure and pedicure.she waited for Khadija and hafsat together with faiza to comeback since they'd told her that they're going to the tailor's place.the moment they arrived she went to the saloon,it didn't take a long time her hair was done.they went back home around 5:30pm. The next day since around 6 the henna designer arrived,But they'd planned to take her to her uncle's house despite Husna's house won't be enough for them and faiza also invited some of her friends same goes to the other two."

Husna didn't come out yet she definitely want to change her skin for the almost half of an hour she's still bathing,husna hurry up yelled Khadija looking at the time in her phone.

"She came out and quickly dressed in her sewn atamfa wrapping her hair with the veil faiza sent the driver to pick them up the ride to her uncle's house didn't take much time as they finally arrived."

They were about four people doing the henna so husna sat down on the couch stretching her legs to the henna designer.her sister sat beside her as she also stretched her her leg."
Please I don't want big pattern she mumbled softly
While the woman nod her head in reply.

"Please ayimin nawa yafi na amarya faiza joked
Husna just smiled while she was engrossed watching her the woman drawing patterns on her legs,talking with her sister time to time."

hussy! just look at something faiza point at Khadija who's busy talking to hameed through  husna phone she bulge her eyes wait what!? You both are some type of friend " she shouted  angrily just hand me my phone can't just be talking to my husband."

"Don't be jealous sweetheart we both love each other you know,I had known him since before you Khadija tease hanging up the call,husna rolled her eyes,

"Such a jealous fellow faiza teased as she tried to hold the laughter that bubbles up in her chest.."
Husna glared at faiza just shut up and you what did he told you..?did he asked about me?

Khadija chuckled how on earth will he ask about you, when he loves me".
"Get lost" she threw a pillow at Khadija while they both laughed..

Don't worry hussy not gonna steal your man Oya your husband said that I should take care of you happy now and I'd told him that you're busy you can't pick up his call.

"Khadyyy!!!!did I tell you that I'm busy? the hell did you just do?Husna glared at her."

They let out a laughter don't worry he'll call you later I'm sure of that don't have my head mrs hameed..
Say it louder husna voice out.

Oh ni Amaren yanzu dai ba kunya her uncle wife came in with a bowl in her hand.
Husna smiled and bowed her head aunt they were just teasing me..the day went blur as they enjoyed it......


Ummeetarh05 ❤️

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