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"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." — David Ogden Stiers


"Mommy!please talk to dad about it,she told me that her father is also going to meet up with his family there,he held his head which was throbbing
badly with pain.

"Abdulhameed! What's the rush about? You're just being impatient about it,your dad has traveled how do you just expect him to go there.?and besides where do you ever seen marriage take place like this without any enquiry? atleast we've to know her family background before jumping into any conclusion.

"he took a deep breath,yes mom,I thought about that also but please do tell dad about it.

"Why don't you called and tell him this your self? he'll understand you more.
Dad!wallah I'm shy of him,I just can't.Ya Allah mom.

I'll talk to him today, and also don't call me again disturbing me,I might change my mind.

"You also know that is impossible .I'll burst your phone today until I hear a feedback.
Have you gone to the hospital your voice isn't coming out well.?

"Mom hospital "no please!but I'd take the herbal tea as you stated."just that my head is hurting badly and I think I need some rest."

Hameed herbal tea since when?yell his angry mom he definitely know this is coming.
He laid back on the bed "mom"he soften his voice calm down my old mom you haven't heard me clear I'd said I ate then take the herbal tea.

Maidani abokiyar wasanka you haven't eaten anything since morning and you expect just to get well,go to the hospital and do call me if you reach.

Ok mom I got to go right now he hanged the call Immediately

"Captain you need to see a doctor. faisal walk into the room with a balm in his hand handing it to hameed.Stand up dude you ain't even a hero that you'll act strong,

Hameed let out a soft smile,don't worry I'll be fine definitely, let's go and do something I'm all bored,but definitely I can't go to the hospital.

But very soon your wife will make you go there right faisal tease as they walk towards the living room playing game. luckily the hotel provided a good game service,they relived their childhood memories enjoying video games to the fullest.

"Childhood was the best hameed voice out."
Indeed it was the best faisal nudge him,hameed phone rang loudly he tossed the controller on the couch and immediately reach of it thinking it might be his mom.but it was his sister.

"Ya mimi.."he voice out as he walked outside the room and sat across the waves,he watch as the waves were crawling gently to the shore.

How's your health? I hope you went to the hospital.?
"No! He release a breath,mom didn't called yet he sighed.she said she'll call dad.

"Where's this sound coming from?she asked
Sound of the waves he chuckled but you don't have to worry I'll not jump in.I'll jump in only if husna said she will not marry me,I don't even think I'll survive and I can't even imagine my life without her.Mom was even asking about her family background.

Love is making someone to become someone else captain.

He chuckled! you'll not understand,how's my superman doing? and also twins they called me bleating about their convocation,and I've to take atleast a week leave to attend if not these kids will definitely burn me alive.

"His sister let out a laughter they ain't serious,they both left for school they were even telling daddy to gift them a car.daddy yace basu da hankali. I've talk to mom captain what we discuss with her wallah is very important,you definitely know that marriage can't take place like that without your family knowing who's really the girl.?

"Yes I also thought about this! but faiza know all about her.'

"She chuckled I'm kidding, she just call dad and he's even happy about that. but he was complaining why wouldn't you call and informed him yourself.he said that he's coming down to Nigeria today and he'll be in kaduna to meet baba yusuf so they could discuss he said that he'll send baba Yusuf and his two friends to go there.

"Ya mimi please don't play this prank with me,you always do that.

I'm not joking.
Wait a minute dad is calling let me answer his call
Okay don't forget to go to the hospital captain she stated.
"Insha Allah"he hanged the call while he called his dad back.

Assalama alaikum good evening daddy.
Evening how's your work and your health?
I'm feeling much better Alhamdulillah.

Hope you went to the hospital?

Yes he lied knowing his parents exactly considering how they care so much.

Masha Allah don't play with your medicines.
Insha Allah daddy.

What did you asked your mother to tell me that you couldn't called and tell me yourself.?

Daddy! I was trying to reach you but heard that you're out of the country so I thought passing it through mom he ended the sentence.

So finally you decided to settle down and stop mingling around the city.
He smile,scratching the back of his head..

His father smile called and informed her that they're coming on Sunday I think around 2 to 3pm.

"Insha Allah I will,daddy Allah yakara girma thank you.he hanged the call it's happening he smiled staring down his feet
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah he mumbled under his breath....

I know the chapter is a lil dull 😑 but do manage it filis.🥺

I don't have a lot to say but please don't forget to vote,comments and also share❤️

Silent readers biko don't forget to vote I said please 🌚🤝

Ummeetarh05 🥂

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