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Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. _Melody Beattie


"For the umpteenth times her phone kept ringing her mother kept her eyes on her.."pick up the call husna maybe it's important.."

"No!"not really  it's just "MTN"she answered trying to put on a smile on her face.."nothing happened for the past week the school had gone for a semester break.."

"And to say hameed visited her mother and siblings almost 3times."she shouted and screamed at him but nothing seems to change that.he call her every day sometimes she would pick and shouted at him and sometimes she won't pick up.."

"She talked to faiza about that,but faiza just told her to accept his friendship.."
She picked up the call seeing the unpleasant look her mother was given her.."
"Aslama alaikum"she answered
"Wa'alaikumu salam"Asma is that you?his voice soften."
Yes me?who else? she roll her eyes as she glare at the phone standing up as she motion towards her room seeing the look that her mother is giving her.."

"No one"I never thought you would pick my call so I'm surprised."
"You exactly know that I won't pick up,then why did you keep calling?"

"I don't know either I just find my self dialing the number repeatedly.
Now!" that you're trying to burst out my phone what do you want?

"Nothing I just call to say hello to are you doing?
I'm great as you.."

"Asma can you talk to me nicely just for once? he asked, sounding genuinely hurt.wallah I've always been so much hurt by the way you treat me."atleast I'm being nice towards you,why not just for once try to be nice to me.."I didn't come with any wrong intentions and if you don't want to be friends with me,then can you atleast take me as your brother.."?

"And nothing apart from that?"she exclaimed
"Is that a yes."?
She roll her starting not to like that either.
"N-No sorry." I promise nothing apart from know sometimes I felt like giving up and stop calling you but I just can't..he stated.You gave me a lot of headache before you accept me to be your brother.

"Asma" so how are we going to make it? I'm leaving next tomorrow insha Allah.."would you mind if I come over I'd like to take you out something like that.

"You can come over to my house. but I'm not going anywhere with you she snorts.."

"Okay- okay."you don't have to freak out."thank you for that.,will come over tomorrow to see our mother..
"I'll hanged up"
What again?" she groaned.."

"Are you tired of talking to me?She kept mute'where did you get my number? because faiza told me she wasn't the one that gave you.."

"I picked it up from her phone. he sincerely spoke he really enjoyed talking to her.."oh shit!" he groan let me answer this call." please don't hang up please.."just give me two minutes.."

Sir he picked up the call.."
Abdulhameed you have started playing with your job right?The voice on the other end of the line sounded angry. "I want you back in the office this week!"

"I'm sorry, sir," he said, trying to sound apologetic. "I'm not playing with my job. I was just -"

His TC cut him off. "Enough with the excuses! I spoke to your father yesterday and he said he's fully recovered. So I want you back in the office this week!"he hanged the call with out letting him say anything again.

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