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A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness.

_Bernard de Fontenelle



"Hameed when did you arrived.?what brought you back?."his mother ask looking intently at him."
Oh god!"aren't you  happy seeing me."dad told me to come back he need to discuss something important with me."and you know I can't say no to him.."and also I arrived last night."

"Should I contact him?."no please don't do that.."
I just somehow escape "ok"because I miss  this old woman.he joked hugging her behind." She smack his hand.get off me before you break my bone.She knows him so well."something brought him back definitely."alright if you said so." I was about to go to Rahima house."Since you're here then take me to her house not to forgot she has been complaining that it been a while since you visited her."

Mommy,mommy" I told you something important brought me back and I'm going to kad..he started

"Kaduna!?what are you going to do there.."?
N-nothing just grab your veil.."he looked at his wrists watch.

I'm asking you something"
Mom don't rubbed it ok, I've a uncle,and my cousins do live in kaduna so."

Abdulhameed don't forget this I'm the one that gave birth to you."have you eaten your breakfast."?

"Uhm!"he nod and slide on his shade ."let me warm the car before you finish up."

After a while his mom slide in the car."and two escorts followed them how's the work.?
"Hectic!"mommy. They kept on talking with his mom randomly..he kept on laughing when his mom told him to remove on his shade so he won't get them into an accident.and she was telling him about the person she heard has been kidnapped 2weeks back.

"Mommy." I'm still young don't forget this." I can see clearly and this person you've been bleating on this for about a week to me.

You won't understand Abdulhameed he's very young just like your age his family most be going through alot,may Allah save us from them.

"Ameen!"he replied chuckling."mommy tell me are you scared to be kidnapped?"he stifle his laughter."
Dan ubanka if they kidnapped people they treat them badly,"who is not scared to be kidnapped."

Ah what am I seeing like the road is close."he look through his shade.bandits are here he joke looking at his mother reaction.

"Sai de ayi kidnapping din ubanka he laughed my old mom."please you should come and get married I'm tired of seeing you."He smile.."taking the direction to his aunt's house.why are you in a rush?very soon, I told you that I'll surprise you. I spoke with ya mimi yesterday,she was telling me about her husband promotion.

His mom shook her head."I'm tired of hearing this surprise. yes she told me that they will throw a party.but I said I won't be going. "Why!?he asked.."party is for kids. Ah mom I forgot you're 85years now he joke as he honk at the gate."the gate man slide the gate open.

Abdulhameed miyesa ka raina ni ne? Your father will hear this he chuckled parking the car."the security mens came immediately opening the car door for them he beam at them."they walk towards the entrance and finally slide in.

Ah who are my eyes seeing?like the very young captain.he sent a cool smile to her,all the way from cyprus to lagos just to come and see you.

She laughed gaskiya I'm lucky. I thought you came to show me my in-law.
Better tell him his mom said." I told him maybe we have to arrange the marriage,maybe with fareeda.

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