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"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back." – Barbara De Angelis


"Do you really think what you're doing is right?faisal spat taking a sip of his drink I can't believe you."think with your common sense."did  you ever think husna will really do something stupid like this ?"think about what your cousins said the first day she came into your house .just think of it.she was sick because you don't really give a damn about her health she had to call me to take her to the hospital."

"If you're really tired of the girl then let her go back to her parents instead of shutting her down."you've no idea what the girl is going through ."atleast you should have call your mum and tell her maybe she can help in solving this issues."I'm really disappointed in you captain."

"He took a deep breath bitting his lower lips you're right I'm a coward, I am so stupid. So incredibly stupid. How could I ever fall for this I did everything without thinking twice. I shut her down completely without hearing her out. I should have listen to her.fareeda can go to the any extent to see she get what she wanted ya Allah."what a mess! I should contact mom first."goodness he massage his temple."

He pick up his phone dialing fareeda number just in one ring she picked up the call."Fareeda can you please take the phone to husna I wasn't able to reached her line he spoke."he actually really want to catch her up."

Husna isn't in the house since you left." I don't know where she went."Alright thank you he spoke looking at faisal."this is what she always do."and I always believe her words."

You should fixed the mess that you created your self.
I don't know what else to say."

He slumped back in the chair dialing his mother number."she isn't picking any of the calls he kept on calling the number repeatedly just when it's about to end she picked up."
Good day mum!he spoke

Abdulhameed what do you really want?"youve been calling repeatedly."He rubbed his beard smiling his mum knows him quite well."he narrated about the pills to her."and she has been suffering with the stomach pain for about two weeks he stated."

She took a deep breath! I've to see her up before we put her in any medication."how's her health now."? he stuttered on his words."god what mess did he created he don't even know anything considering about her health now.his mum can sense that there's something wrong between them."but didn't say anything."

Or just do one thing take her to any gynecologist there and tell me whatever he said we can put her through medication."

Alright mom thank you!he hanged the call how can he tell her that they needed to go to the hospital without her throwing some tantrums to his way.he really messed up things.


Cold winds harshly blew against the window The tears were warm running down her cheeks, the argument still fresh in her head and ears. Closing her eyes, she laid her head down on her soft cotton pillow and clutched her blanket to her chest. shivering like a dog shaking its fur.She hugged her arms closer to her but her breaths became ragged, a sigh made its way out of her mouth. She hated that she loved him now,she hated that she wanted him.She manage to stood up in her sick situation and shut the windows tightly. she laid back on the bed covering her self with the blanket.the stomach pain is unbearable she have used all the medicine they gave her in the hospital but nothing seems to be working. Her hair was splayed across her pillow, her silent eyes whispering a thousand words as she closed her eyes for the last Time losing the trust, losing the faith you used to have in relationship is the worst thing that could happen.

The door gently flung open without looking at the door she definitely knew he's the one so she don't mind looking up she just pretend to be asleep." He walk towards her checking her temperature."

Shit she's burning he blurted."trying to touch her forehead but she immediately pushed his hands back don't touch me she scoffed."he ignored her and stood up from the bed." It's actually cold outside but he needs to take her to the hospital."he went through her closet and rummage for a jacket ." Take this and wear."he threw them on the bed.

She doesn't even move even a inch."she pulled the blanket and covered her face."
Don't make me repeat my words he warn."she tossed to the other side of the bed."paying no attention to what he's saying ."he slid the blanket down raising her up to her feet."take this and wear

No I won't she gnashed her teeth."sending him a daggers."

Okay fine!" it took her unexpected when he picked her up in his arms walking out from the room."

"You! Where the hell are you taking me.?let me down she scream bitting him on his chest he can't help but chuckled at her antics."

All fareeda thought that they're still fighting she's so interested in all that's happening in the house lately she'd promise that they would pay for the price of everything and husna did pay for it she smile polishing her nails."

Let me down! Let me down she screamed he lightly chuckled and put her in the car locking it immediately the ride to the hospital wasn't silent at all."she kept on shouting screaming top of her voice  until she get tired and keep mute gently shedding tears."

Do you really hate me that much!? I am sick but you've to drag me out in this state you're such a co..
She started but the look he gave her made her shut her mouth."

Oh shut up will you! Wollah the moment I hear you call me with such names  you'll surely regret what I might do. I promise

And I won't keep quiet make me shut my mouth she yell ."he halted the car in the middle of the road while he look at her." Say something useless over here again."she could feel his eyes glaring at her , as if trying to burn right through her back and into her heart.

What will you do if I say Abdulhameed she spat out his name, as if it burnt her mouth to say it
you're heartless person and a cowor..she started he raised his hands up probably to slap her she immediately shut her eyes waiting for his hands to touch her cheeks but she felt something else different he lapped his tongue on her mouth kissing her with so much emotion.....

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