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"The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything."– Frank Sinatra


"Faiza please do hold my bag."I'm going to the cafe to photocopy out these papers.for the presentation before this man come husna mumbled."Faiza nod her head in reply."the moment Husna left her phone started ringing."faiza open the zip and pick it up."seeing captain she let out a smile am gonna catch the two of you right now."she glued the phone to her ear as she heard his voice."babe" came his deep melodies voice .."hello" faiza hanged the call.

Oh!so Husna and ya hameed have  settled things  and she didn't for once tell me.what a friend she chuckled.

What's there to hide?"this is a good thing afterwall
Thank you Allah husna has found her true love she silently make a dua,husna came back with the papers in her hand she settled down on the chair
I'm going home faiza exclaim standing up?

home?faiza home?But why all of the sudden? faiza ignored her picking up her bag anyways someone has called you she walked out from the class,leaving husna mouth agape "what happened to her?husna thought picking up her phone before she came to realize what just happened,she got mad I didn't tell her that I'm dating her brother oh my Allah.she face palm what a mess all his fault she silently placed down on the chair.. dialing faiza number..this ain't good why do I listen to him at the first place..

she walk out from the chorus of the class dialing his number,she was boiling that he created a rift between faiza and her he rejected and call back."

What did you just do? She snap"

Assalama alaikum What did I do? he asked
Wa'alaikumu salam you don't know what you did?faiza id mad at me right now and it's all because of you .I told you that I want to tell her but what did you do you keep on saying that you don't want family to know this.."

God! babe just calm down ok I promise I will explain everything her.

Explain what? She replied her voice dripping with frustration .The mess is done already ya Allah..

Hey! don't tell me you trying to cry over this..

I..I don't know just fix this mess or else I won't talk to you again.she end the call while she walked back to class around 3:30 after she finished her lectures she went to faiza's house.."

Ina wuni she greeted faiza mother while she kept on teasing her this is the second time she came to this house without faiza.."

She trudged towards faiza room she saw her lying on her bed.Faiza are you mad at me?she questioned..
Why will I?husna I understand where I belong I couldn't believe this,you and ya hameed and you don't mind telling me,"why? I thought we're sisters not even friends..?

I..I don't know either he told me that he don't want his family to know this.she paused looking at faiza
who gave her a weird look and you agreed with him husna why're you behaving sometimes like dumbass
He told you this and you believe him,"You're going to call him right now and ask him what the hell he meant by not wanting his family to know this. What did he take you for?"

Bring your phone,husna handed her phone to faiza' while she dial his number he rejected and call back."

Asma is everything ok with her?he questioned

Why don't you like your family to know about our relationship?


No-just tell me why? I thought you loved me for who I am,but I was don't love me a bit,you just love the idea of I'm the person you want. she snap

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