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. "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."– Albert Einstein


"She's sitting on the bed with a leg stretch reading her books.despite the fact that her exams will start on monday and today is Saturday she's leaving lagos to kaduna tomorrow morning."being here with his family is pretty overwhelming because all of them like her."hameed Is going back to his work on monday insha Allah."being engrossed reading the book she didn't notice when he enters the room."

Miss bookworm he voice out placing his head gently on her laps. She jolt a bit as her eyes glint  with a surprise."looking at his face You told me you were not coming back now?she said softly keeping the book at the night stand.

He smile at her,I'm tired and my head is hurting a lil bit so I just decided to comeback now."
Ya salam sorry she massage his head gently."have you take medicine.?she questioned looking at his face.

He scrunched his face and shook his head."
Captain why don't you like medicine?

He shrugged wrapping his hands around her waist facing her." have you talk with  aunty how's Abba health?he ask about her father health they got a call last two days that her father has been seriously sick were he has been rushed to the hospital  and the doctors diagnosis that he has been suffering with a high blood pressure and diabetes."She has been quite worried about her father illness but her mother told her that he's feeling better now."she even spoke with him today."

She sigh pressing her lips together Adda told me that he's fine but..she whipped her head towards bedside.
But what he raised his brows.?"

"Nothing she shrugged glancing at the time glued to the wall. I haven't greet mom and it's almost 12:30pm .And I haven't seen twins around today."?

They went out."what were you saying about your father he asked."

Nothing not really I pray he should get well soon insha Allah. she pressed her lips looking at him."she couldn't tell him her father's condition is at critical stages."they needed help.he has done a lot to them lately since he changed her parents house,got a proper job to her father how can she tell him about his condition now."she let of a weary smile."

He nod raising his head up."get ready mom told me to take you to her sister house.he bit his lips looking at her."but if you are tired is fine we can tell her something like maybe to go there some other days .

Hey!who told you am tired beside i did nothing today "guess you don't wanna go there she chew her inner cheeks ."

He raised his head up and jump on his feet for some reasons I don't wanna go there."

What reasons?"
He shrugged just get ready greet mom first main while I will be right back."

"She stood up from the bed going through her closet she brought out her lase peach fitted she change into them."she rubbed some powder and applied some kohl."she's not used to all these maybe that's why her eyes were bit watering she picked the tissue and wiped it a little she applied her lipgloss."and packed her hair tying her headtie."

"She picked up her veil as she sauntered out from the room after spraying a bit of her perfume.assalama alaikum she salam as she entered his mom room she saw on the bed with a phone glued to her ears.She waited for a while before she ended the call."

Good afternoon Husna greeted her while she answered her with a wide smile on her face."
Afternoon my dear how's your father's health? I just spoke with your mother."

Alhamdulillah she answered fiddling with her fingers she's so much shy of this woman she stayed there for a while before hameed came in and they left the house."


"On arriving to his aunt residence he parked the car at the parking lot while they walk and sit on the couch for a while before the woman descended from the stairs smiling.My daughter is here the woman says plastering a wide smile on her face seeing Husna."husna couldn't help but smile back at her"as she get down immediately greeting her."

Masha Allahu finally you decided to bring her today
he chuckled she's here to greet her big mother in-law
Silent for a while as the maid came and kept the refreshments infront of them."she did a little nasiha to them about marriage before silent whipped in again."

Since she spot the black Mercedes parked at the parking lots she definitely know that he's here. she's so excited that she couldn't not even park her car at the right spot.the happiness in her eyes can't be hidden she alighted from the car too much in hurry that she couldn't even close the car door properly.
"She's clad in her skinny jeans with a white baggy shirt.her white plain veil was tied in her head."a light makeup on her face which matches with the color of her skin."A truly definition of model.

The moment she walk towards the entrance she took a deep breath as she flung the door open which made her smile and happiness vanished."they whipped their head towards her direction but soon he immediately averted his attention from her and engrossed in his phone."

"Fareeda you're back your brother is here with his wife.her mother spoke."
"She try to plaster a fake smile on her face so this is the husna girl she thought raising her brows let's get it this way."she moved forwards."

Ya Hameed good evening." finally I got the chance to meet our bride ."she look at him smiling he bit his lips without saying a word knowing he'll not answered her because last time they didn't end well she promised him that she'll ruined his relationship with husna she's saying something about her which he couldn't stand and they had a serious argument and later on came and apologize that she didn't mean what she said."it's just few days back when this happened."she didn't even attend the wedding when her mother talk to her she brought her excuses that she had alot in head to do so she couldn't make it."

She squat beside husna who smile back at her our aunty am so sorry I didn't attend your wedding.
Hope am forgiving.?she says looking at husna.

Husna just nod and smile
Thank you and hope you're treating our brother well."

She just nod her head because she didn't understand what the girl is up to they left the house around 3:00
And to say fareeda got the chance to exchange numbers with husna which she's hell happy about that.thinking this is a great way to start with her plans.....


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