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Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.

_Stephen Covey


"You mean yaya hameed?as in ya hameed came to your place.."?I don't understand where exactly this is going faiza said taking a seat beside husna.
Oh my Allah !husna deadpanned why are you making this sound like a big deal."

Uhm! Maybe he came for some work.let me see the phone. we've to thank him,atlest be bought this expensive phone to us."she grin."I just can't believe this."how sweet of him,you know I'm really happy wallah."Oh my god hussy I totally forgot to tell you something.anty Khadija marriage has been fixed next year insha Allah."

Masha Allah
Wallah I'm so happy.."atleast I'll dance.."
Talking to a brainless person doesn't make any sense at all.husna silently hiss"
What! ?What do you mean?that I'm brainless.hussy? you just insult me.

Yesterday I had a fight with Ahmad she said looking up at husna she shook her head the guy is really trying hard on this girl wallah..

Faiza you like throwing tantrums just like a five year old child.and right now I know exactly you're the one at fault."

What hussy me? I promise I'm not the one."so yesterday he didn't call me through out,and I got mad at him.faiza pout."so when he call I picked up a fight with him."so I was thinking that he would call me but he didn't."

See!"that's why I said you're brainless wallah faiza."call him up you're the one at fault who knows maybe he's working or doing something important."

Hussy!something important."there's nothing more important than me.she pretend to sniffed."

You have to think little scout wallah you're giving this guy alot of headache."

Am giving him a headache or you're giving my brother a headache and I know maybe he came just for you."I know ya hameed nothing would bring him to kaduna since he don't have a friend in here."

Hussy let me tell you something."You've failed in love but you still don't grasp at what has to be offered. You haven't looked at ways to forgive but you hold onto it like a brick. You no longer seem to enjoy the moments of happiness :darkness you see but the sun is only a mile away. Don't count the passing days for you have not washed your mind  or changed your will still pass you and opt to stay in the middle of nowhere.You have not looked at chance or change.The past only makes the future better so pick up your pieces and go on.

Don't count the passing days  because you have forgotten what real matters. Life has no tale or toll and anything can strike you without notice.If someone hurts you doesn't mean the other will try and give your heart some space to love someone Husna." I swear how I wish yaya hameed told you he loves you I'll help you celebrate the day.because you get the right person ever."I know he'll never let you shed tears and I'm hundred percent sure that he'll take care of you."you'll just get him in your shoes Husna."I'm not saying this because he's my brother or because I know him."

Husna roll her eyes. Now enough with the sappy shit call Ahmad will you.."?

Hussy!you call this a shit I'm just telling you the truth and I don't wanna call him first."she whine."he will think that I care so much."and..Gosh I don't know what to do my brain will explode."

Husna roll her eyes just call him and apologize to him."
But hussy..don't you think he'll think of something else maybe that I cared so much.."

Just call him up faiza.."he won't think of anything beside you're the one at fault so you be the one to call and apologize."

As you said."dialing his number and he didn't pick up see what you cause

Husna shook her head don't worry he'll call you.."
Uhm so tell me how things are.has hameed confess yet?

Confess what exactly?
Dumbo- what I mean that he loves you,why can't you understand that this guy is madly inlove with you husna..even a dumb head person will understand this but I don't know what do I do with you.."

His words,his actions everything says it all.."if he doesn't love you why's he behaving such way to you my girl he's in love maybe he's somehow scared to tell you because you look like one of this..erm what should I say ..who chased men away."so maybe he's scared because you look like a spook.

Husna smack her You're always a brainless person let's discuss about something different."
Alright mrs Hameed faiza smirk making husna smack her back."how about I teach you how to bake a mini fruit tart and caramel cheesecake today since there's no more lectures."

Alright let's write down the list so we'll get to know what we need Husna said.."faiza grin okay but we almost have all the ingredients at home."but let's write and see.."

For mini tart we need,butter,egg,vanilla,sugar and flour then any fruits of our choice but let's us use strawberry and berry,"and then for cheesecake we need sugar,salt,whipped cream,flour,cream cheese,sour cream,vanilla and then lastly egg."

So let's remove flour,egg,vanilla,sugar,whipped cream Butter." we've them at home let's go to Alkali Road
we can get all these no need to go to the market faiza exclaim standing up,husna gently fold the paper and stood up they hit to the car"stopping at the shop they brought all what they needed and headed back home.

Where's mama and the rest? husna asked settle down on faiza bed,
I'm sure they went to anty ilham house let's pray first so we can start on time.."husna nod silently after they pray they went to the kitchen.."here's the butter and the flour let's start with the cheese cake faiza exclaim.."

Heat the pan hussy main while I will open the butter
Ok here we go one cup of sugar,hussy whisk it until it melted,it will take about 10min,here add the butter and whisk it until it melted."and remember we used sugar first then butter,it's ok now our caramel is almost done let's pour the heavy cream Whisk until well incorporated and smooth.

What says the time now? Husna asked while whisking
4:30 don't worry the driver will take you back home

Set about 1 1/2 cups of caramel sauce aside for topping. Add the flour to the remaining caramel and set that aside,now to make the crust cheese cake let's combine the ingredients now let's make the cheesecake filling,beat the cream cheese, brown sugar and flour in this bowl"on low speed until well combined and smooth. Now husna add the batter.

Yay we're almost done,and our cheesecake is done faiza exclaim cheerfully Making Husna giggles they pour the caramel sauce over the cheesecake and sprinkle with some toffee bits.

Yes let's have a taste I'm salivating right now faiza take a bite of it.."husna tastes it,it's great husna munch it and smile it truly is..."but let's just leave the tart for another day because time is going after 5 now."husna exclaim picking up her hijab."
But won't you wait for them to comeback they went out with the driver."

Don't bother,wait let me just take you home, I promise your boyfriend to be taking you wherever you would go faiza tease making husna roll her eyes let's go please...."

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