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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." – Steve Jobs


"The call of the adhan woke her she slowly open her eyes time for subh she mumbled slowly,fati get up and pray she shook her sister,she yawn and walk out from her room to perfumed ablution,after praying she did her azkar,and left to do some of the house chores knowing that they will be traveling to yola.and her mother did told her that yola is so far.." her mother is ready to meet up with her family after all the obstacles,she took her bath and rubbed her Vaseline and dressed up in her atamfa gown..she slip on her well ironed hijab she picked some  of her clothes and put in her bag though she don't know how many days they would spend there,but maybe this will do she thought.." fatima what are you still doing ?you haven't take your bath? and this clothes that you scattered pack them before I smack your head.

"Adda please I'm searching for my bracelet I don't know where I kept it.."
Because you're so careless on everything disappear from here my friend.."her sister pout making Husna smack her back..hore manga she looked at the time in her phone and see it hit to 6:05am she squeezed her face a little he haven't call nor did he texted and he knew I'm traveling he's still mad at me she thought.." they just had a little misunderstanding and for the first time he got mad at her.

Husnatu!!!her mother called on her name she kept the phone and walked out from her room to meet her mother who's sitting on a small rounded wooden chair in the kitchen.and her brother stood beside her
Adda you called me
Yeah I think we should have our breakfast before we go,because it's a long journey. the pap is almost done
Adda but wallah I'm not hungry infact I don't felt like eating anything.."

Adda I knew it so yesterday she had a fight with her boyfriend and.her brother started
She smacked his head wallahAbdul be careful with me.
But you know I'm saying the truth right..he pout
Her mother let out a laughter Ko a wadi jonta bo (so what did you do this time around?..)

Adda why're you always blaming me, O wadi am aybe bo o berni da kofi am (he did something wrong and he's mad) here's my cup she handed the cup to her mother while she ate her akara in hurried..

You did something to him definitely I know you so much
Fine!fine! let's not talk about that again,Adda I mean this is the first time we are traveling and where do you think we'll find bus?

Kawo her mother answered her,she pressed her lips together let me check this girl what's she still doing.
Fatima fatima
Adda Husna am done let me have my breakfast she went out while Husna shook her head picking up her bag and slide her phone inside.

"They left home around 7:10 to kawo,They stayed for a while before the bus was filled..The car ride wasn't silent because the noise of the chaos that fills in the bus people kept on chattering non-stop ..almost talking just about family,the government work.."she close her eyes feeling dizzy.."she always get so dizzy, for long drives  and to top it all off, it's freezing, but the driver has insisted on opening the window.

the cold air directly hits her as they ride along the freeway, at sixty-something miles per hour.
I should've bought gloves. Should've worn a sweater . Shoulda, woulda, coulda. She thought
She try to bury her hands further into her hijab shivering.Shops and trees pass by in a blur, while she stare at the window, trying to force her headache away. She shift her neck uncomfortably.she finally stick her mask to her nose..she flex her frozen fingers.."

Adda where are we now ?her brother questioned while they passed a couple of signboard.."
We ain't even out from kaduna yet.her mother answered while they kept on looking at the window..
the car right continues as some of them slept off.

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