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"Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person's life." – Jackie Chan.


Wear this faiza brought out a peach lase with a touch of a white.she bought this to her during Ramadan, to say she never wore anything that faiza ever gifted her.

"Until today that she gave her a poppy face, she changed the clothes in them"Faiza don't you think this skirt is too tight ,she exclaim." I'm not feeling comfortable in them seriously.."Faiza chuckled it wasn't.."it looks Perfect, you look beautiful, "You are so lucky you're going out ," she stated. husna nodded silently. She couldn't really say she disagreed. you're lucky having adorable hunk like yaya hameed by your side Husna scrunched her face.."

Oh, no!" Faiza stifled her laughter looking at husna still vacant expression. "I didn't mean it like that! my hussy , I know you could get any boy you want." faiza tease.."Husna repressed a morose laugh. "I just mean that you're -"

I get it, now please stop all this ," husna said.
Pause. "Are you mad at me?"
"No," husna said tersely. No, of course not,"she answered. "I'm just nervous."

Lying is so easy, especially to people who think they know you.
"Are you and yaya hameed going anywhere afterwards?" She wiggled her eyebrows.and wink at the same time."

Stop acting like you don't know anything, husna whine,while faiza let out a laugh As she brought out a jewelry from her bag and clip the necklace on husna neck sliding her legs into the shoe husna look at faiza she was dress in lase also her own is purple with a touch of light purple..."

She glanced at the time in the wall 4:30pm my hussy is looking super duper cute she pecked husna cheeks she shook her head at faiza craziness after telling her mother she's leaving they finally bolted to the door.

her siblings went to yawon sallah they went to a makeup studio, her makeup was done before faiza own she changed she could've sworn on this that she's not the one..

Faiza was just complimenting on her makeup its a very light makeup not so heavy, so as planned that the guys would meet them in the studio since they came here by a tricycle.

Before the makeup was done faiza call them both telling them the location.
She forced husna to snap some pictures while she posted it on her instagram account..."let's go she held husna hand. You'll knock yaya hameed dead."
You just look perfect, faiza whistled atleast smile sweethearts faiza beam as they kept on walking."

To say she felt uncomfortable because people kept on staring at her, as they walked out, one car halted by their side the glass of the car rolled down before the man finally popped his face."
Yan mata where are you guys going da ranan nan he spoke looking directly on husna way..

Another car honk behind them seeing hameed walked majestically towards them he's well dressed in his sky blue getzner with a complementary cap.his scent swirl around as he move

Let's get going he mumbled his face was so expressionless.,Sorry I was just talking to them...
Talking to who exactly?hameed marched his tune

He pointed at husna making her eyes widen,
Hey! didn't you tell him that you're married already?hameed pooped his eyes out on husna
What!!!!!!"Me!!!?married ?when?where?she look bewildered.."Faiza stifled her laughter as she disappeared to her boyfriend car
She's married so please you can carry your car and go away from here.."

What was that? she asked annoyed the moment she followed him to the car
What was what? I'd what I feel is right don't you know it's not good for a girl a man like this ya tsayar da ita (don't you know it's not good a man like this to stop a girl in the middle of the road)

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