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"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." – Walt Disney


"The wedding preparations has kicked in the both two families.She just can't believe that just two months to her wedding." never did she imagine that she would get married. and getting married to hameed is something that she never for once thought of it."she evokes that Allah should grand her with a righteous spouse,Allah has sent Abdulhameed to her way,who helped her to be who she's,marriage was never in her list before,but now she truly understand that she needed a life partner and someone like hameed is hardly to be found.Alhamdulillah."

"Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that we should turn to Allah and seek His help in all matters. He alone knows all the hidden things and only He has the perfect knowledge of the future. He has the power to make things easy for us and guide us to right decisions and accepting Abdulhameed was the greatest decision that she ever made."its a feeling that she never imagine she could've, getting married to the family who loved her for who she's."

"She could recall all her mother's words while she was telling her to make a right decision.
Husna you should have full trust in Allah and at the same time ask Him to grant you a righteous spouse and to make easy what is good for you.We are to use our God-given resources and expend our best efforts while praying to Allah for guiding and blessing us to realize all legitimate aspirations and dreams.
If, having done that, your efforts do not materialize, simply say "that was Allah's will." In other words, simply praying without putting forth our best efforts is not the way of Islam as taught by our beloved Prophet(PBUH).So I advise you never give up prayer, but while doing so never be slack in doing your best to achieve your desired goal.

She really did love him, and she can honestly say he is the best thing that ever happened to her. She always got him on her shoes.Sometimes she would pick a fight with him, or trouble him a lot, but he never once got tired of her. And he was always there for her, no matter what. It was like he knew exactly what she needed, even before she knew it herself.
"her phone ding indicating a new incoming message she tap in the message box and read."

"Am sorry Babe I didn't wake you up today neither did I reply any of your messages I've been super busy don't think I'm ignoring you I'll call you once am done I love you." ❤️

Her lips curled into a thin line.She truly loved him, but sometimes she wondered if it's wrong to be with someone who is always so busy. She often wondered if he ever has time to relax. He had just gotten back from Cyprus a few days ago, saying his team leader had given him a week off so he could attend his siblings' convocation. But she knew he had made a scene to get that week off, because he had been complaining that his father wouldn't let him come home. She thought he must be with his family now.
stubborn boy.picking up her bag she went to her mothers room and greeted her before she left the house immediately seeing time wasn't in her side walking to the bus-stop."she patiently wait until the bus arrived the ride to the school was amazing today.."

"Hey you sister in-law! wait faiza squealed hugging her." husna shook her head why are you always crazy faiza,?am just happy wallah you wouldn't understand she wrapped her hands around husna's neck as they walked towards to their department. Aww! I just can't believe this my girl is getting hitched to my brother,so tell me about the plans.

"What plans?
"Dumbo what do I do with you!?She facepalm I mean your wedding plans,you discussing about your marriage plans with your husband then after marriage where would you like to go for your honeymoon? faiza winked."

"Gossip will kill you faiza.this is something I and him have discussed and there's no need to share it with you husna teased.

Oh my god!hussy! You've said something wallah.

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