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"Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think." —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


"She was just roaming around her room.searching for her hair bands.he's outside for almost 30minute patiently waiting for her."her phone shrilled she pressed and glued the phone to her ear,Asma!"please get ready.I'm waiting for the past 30min,please you don't have to dress to impress me.

I'm coming just give me some minutes I'm just searching for my bands okay
Alright he cut the call rubbing his temple I'm trying to sign my self where I've to suffer my whole life.."

Good afternoon.!"she greeted with a smile which made him look up and stare at her before he averted his gaze"are you always in hijabs? He questioned.
She gave him a glare you want me to be going out with veils?

No no that's not what I meant, it's just that.." I was wondering why it took you so long to get ready.I see you didn't even put on any powder or makeup .."?

Why are you questioning me like this ? I can get out from this car right now,and also I greeted you and you didn't even bother to answer me last time I remember I didn't ask you to go out with me you're the one who pleaded with me.and by the way I don't want to go anywhere with you. What do you even mean by I'm always with my hijabs?" Do you want me to take  them off so you can look at my body or something?

He looked at her immediately she's really trying to pull the last straw out of him,what did she mean by her words?"why would I even think of that husna?do you really think so little about think I want something from you or what? You think I can stoop so low?

So you're saying you just asked me and that doesn't mean anything?" she said through gritted teeth, glaring at him. "

I just ask and that doesn't mean something different god!husna what's your problem? please stop it wallahi I felt hurt by your words,I just always see you in hajabs and just once I saw you with a veil and I ask you,"so what's the problem here?but if you felt hurt then I'm sorry.

Are you mad at me she questioned looking through the window..

He let out a laugh he can't even stop the bitter laugh that came out from his throat, I don't even know what type of person are you husna and at same time I can't be angry with you.

I'm sorry I don't mean my words it's just that..
Dont worry I understand he cut her off and she can still sense that he's upset although he is trying hard not to show her..
So where are you taking me ?she questioned.."
Am not going to kill you, I promise I was just thinking to take you out somewhere but I changed my mind already.

You plan to take me to your girlfriend's place she questioned fiddling with her fingers and I ruined everything right, I made you upset?

He nod his head,tell me something about you
As she talked, he got to know about her likes and dislikes, her hobbies, and what she was passionate about. She liked reciting the Qur'an. She liked reading novels. She had a large collection of novels, and she couldn't go to bed without reading a novel.
so he just drove them to a mall when she asked him about what brought them.."he replied with he want to buy something.."so am gonna stay up here and wait for you?

Your wish he shrugged..

She look at him fiddling with her fingers  as she claim down from the car well you don't have to be upset with me, I will help you in choosing something for your girlfriend she put on a polite smile which made him shook his head.."

So they went and she stay far away searching for few good books, her eyes were drawn towards him . He stood far away from here. She noticed that he was talking to the shopkeeper secretly. She was about to approach him when something stopped her from doing so.Don't disturb him. He is doing something secretly. Wait here and watch, what he is doing.', she thought

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