Chapter 40

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"Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind."- Buddha


"So what did you plan for this wedding,?despite the fact the girl is not that wise,I don't think the wedding will be organized.?

"And also I don't think that's your business right?hameed snapped.

Abdulhameed I don't like this,why're you scolding the poor girl? yelled his angry mom.
he just come down to Nigeria five days back to attend his siblings convocation, which took place yesterday.Farida always remarks during family dinners. It use to get in his nerves, never once complimented husna ever since she heard she came out from a poor family and he's also getting married to her,fareeda do love him as she's ready to do anything to gain his love She always seems to perceive them as a bunch of pathetic beings. In her eyes, they are just weak and helpless people, never able to provide for themselves enough, therefore, not entitled to any degree of respect.she called husna a goal digger that she just want hameed money and nothing else.

Whenever there is a chance, she never fails to drag husna down. She compares her with her family who have successful leading career. Hameed had long ago stopped listening to her. She is just another nosy relative who can't seem to mind their own business. And she also knows that if the circumstances were different, she wouldn't be present at any of their family reunions at all. She will be out there conquering the world, not giving a darn about anything else.

"Yessss! ya hameed,thank you!thank you so much for the gift, the twins descended from the stairs hugging him tightly. you're the best bro ever,Allah yabar maka aunty husna,the twins squeeze him into a tight hug.which made him chuckled,I can't breath already. he gifted each of them a car.

Captain you ain't serious at all wallah why the hell will you just gift them a car,?ya mimi questioned.

"That's because he loves us right bro,come breakfast is ready from all the look it clearly shows that they just woke up in the morning and received the gift.
He joined them at the dining area as he sat beside his sister pulling her hair making her wince .

"Common bro! I pray your wife has this long hair at least when you get married we'll finally be able to rest."

He laughed. "I don't know, I've never seen her hair, not even a single strand of it."

So you want to see her hair? Or what exactly his moms younger sister asked?

Momma no,just that,he scratched the back of his head  I'm just saying, I love someone with long hair, that's all. Wallah."

"So what about the wedding hameed?what do you plan? any events.?ya mimi asked him.

"Not really!

"it can't be,you very well know that the buden kai is a most. atleast we've to organize a dinner don't be a joy killer.

"Yess ya mimi tell him we've already started inviting our friends,this wedding will be on fire the beginning of A&A we go enjoy this wedding our one and only brother is getting married.

"And about the kayan lefe (betrothal gift)do you know you've to add 2million right because the one you gave wouldn't be enough.

"I'll transfer it to you later..

"Fareeda rolled her eyes as she stood up from the dining area. momma I got something important to do rather than to sit here and listen to something that is not important she remarked.

My dear what's wrong with you all of the sudden?
hameed mom exclaim.

Mommy uncle and aunty fareeda had a fight yesterday,during the convocation affan confessed which made hameed smacks his head.

Why will you smack my child just because he's saying the truth.?

"Actually mom nothing like this has happened right ya hameed?and I'll have my breakfast also with you guys.she pulled the chair and sat back.

They ate their breakfast in a normal manner,he just took a shower sharply he really want to catch up with his friend "Abeer"his secondary buddy despite the fact it been so long since they met each other.

"I'm going to meet up with a friend I'm coming back soon he says to his mom pecking her forehead. I think fareeda is also going for shopping drop her their.

He just nod because he doesn't want his mother to know all that is going on Farida let out a smile this is just the beginning.

She followed him behind as they settled in the car are you waiting for me to close the door.?he snapped which made her close the door immediately.while he roars the car engine to life.

"Was it wrong because I confess my love to you?or was it wrong because I fell in love with you? she asked the moment he merged to the main road do you know how much it hurts me whenever you mentioned her name in my presence.?hameed what have I done to you to deserve this.atleast can't you love me just the way you love her.

"Fareeda!he cleared his throat,let's end this all here you told me you love me when it was too late already when my heart already fall inlove with another soul.

"Trust me I've tried to confess my feelings to you but I've only lack of courage to say it,I just can't. I love you so much,sometimes I always tell my self that's enough you can't do that don't exaggerate.

You really deserve someone who really loves you. do you know.
I don't care what I deserve, I need what I want!"

But what if the person you want doesn't want you?I'm committed just to one person and I can't share her place in my heart.

"Is she that special that you can't even share her place with me?such a lucky girl!she wipes the tears that fall immediately from her eyes.

"He nod in affirmation she's more than special.
She hummed!husna the lucky girl let's see where this game will go,and I promise I'll snatch your happiness just the way you snatch mine.....

Double update!surprise.

He he he😂😂Imma lafin evilly 😈
Fareeda again! I never see this coming.

Well I don't have a lot to say but do let me know what you think about the chapter in the comments section.

Biko don't forget to press the star🌚and tap in the comments section.god bless you as you vote and comments🤝

Let's meet in the next chapter 👋

Have a peaceful night! 🌙

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