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"Captain what the hell are you still doing in bed you need to get up right now.."time isn't in our side you
know that.."

"You know I'm not a morning person,"he  mumbled, pulling the blankets up to his chin. "It's too early."

"We have a 12-hour, 26-minute flight to New York, and you're here, sleeping like a dead person!"Faisal snapped, clearly frustrated. "Come on, get up!"

Abdulhameed sighed and dragged himself out of bed,Sorry mom,let me take my bath sharply he said.." he took a quick bath coming out he slipped into his uniforms.."

As they both walked out to the airport.."settled in the plane.." not before calling his mom while she prayed for him.."
7:00pm dot.."
"Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please."
"Cabin crew, please take your seats for take-off."he stated as they were about to start the journey to New York.."

"Within a minute after take-off, an announcement has been made reminding passengers to keep their seat belts fastened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin.
However we always recommend to keep your seat belt fastened while you're seated.

In a few moments, the flight attendants start passing around the cabin to offer a cold drinks, as well as breakfast.

Also, we will be showing you our video presentation.) Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Thank you."

They landed around 7:30 pm at John F. Kennedy International Airport New york

"As usual the moment he switch on his phone his mom call came in and she sighed in relieved hearing they landed.."
they find a taxi that dropped them at Trump International Hotel & Tower New York I'm tired.." Faisal exclaim stretching his hand.

Let's pray first wallah I don't like this tara'ul salat hameed exclaim removing his shirt as he went to the bathroom he freshen up first and perform ablution.."

After they prayed..they both ended up sleeping.."and the moment they woke up around 11pm they quickly ate something and flew back to Cyprus again.."

"Around 11am in the morning they reached back to Cyprus hameed even started sleeping in the taxi because he's really tired it wasn't easy at all especially to him that didn't even like eating food.."

His head is paining so badly he don't like going to the hospital nor he likes taking a medicine.."

"Captain get up we have reached already faisal spoke with his sleepy voice also so the moment they entered their room the two both fall into a deep slumber.."

"They woke up in quick upon hearing the adhan it's time for zuhr they went to the mosque and pray after that as they planned they went directly to meet their TC (training captain)in the airline .."

"Captain are you sure you're ok  you need go to the hospital?"
I know it will stop it's just a headache don't worry we need to focus on convincing the TC to let us take a month off.

The moment they met with the training captain, he disagreed with their request for time off.Faisal and hameed looked at each other, dejected. They had been away from their families for four years, and they were longing to see them again.

"Now what should we do?" Faisal  whispered to hameed.

"I'm going back home," he said, determination in his voice. "I don't care if he lets us take time off or not. Let's go."

They made a plan to go back to Nigeria, even if it meant squeezing in a week-long visit. They would do whatever it take to see their families again.

When they returned to their apartment, they started to pack their clothes. It felt strange to be going home after so long, and they were filled with a mix of emotions. Abdulhameed couldn't help but notice that his parents hadn't called him all day. He tried to shake off the thought and focus on packing.

Man ", please close your mouth,"hameed said, exasperated. Faisal is talking nonstop, and it's getting on Abdulhameed's nerves. "You just don't understand how much I'm looking forward to seeing my mom."

After they finished packing, they ordered a pizza. Abdulhameed only ate two slices, as he's feeling nervous about going home. Faisal teased him about it, saying, "Thank goodness you're going back home. Your mom will force you to eat!"

Hameed chuckled while he picked up his phone and dial his dad number he told him he will be back today no matter what time he will reach he don't care but he's leaving this country today.."

"Dad please don't tell mom I want to surprise her..
Ok deal he hang the call he stood up taking a shower as he changed his clothes to a black jeans and white polo long sleeve sliding his black Blundstone shoe he put on his p-cap together with his shade.."he sprayed a bit of perfume...

Around 5:00pm dot after handling everything
they took the private jet directly to Nigeria." Around 9:00pm they reached to Murtala Muhammad airport lagos.."

It's been four years since they left finally they were able to breathe in the air of their country.."

"From there the two do their bro hugged and they both went in a separate way.."

"Faisal followed the convoy that his father send while also hameed walked to the convoy glancing at the time in his wrist watch.."

Welcome back home sir the securities men said he smile at each and every one of them before they open the car door for him and he slide in the car......

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