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"Husna and Faiza were at the cafeteria while faiza was just spiraling about the trips she planned to do after the semester break. And also you know." I will enjoy the break.."

"Seriously you know I'm tired of coming to this school like always I can't wait for the day that we will graduate. I'm telling you this that day would be fire.."

"faiza is a beautiful girl she wasn't wearing a makeup nor she rubbed some balm her skin was fresh and smooth and from the look you got to know she comes out from a rich family..hussy are you even listening to me.."she looked up."

"Hussy?husna,"are you alright?" Faiza looked at her with concern as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"She raised up her head.."don't worry I'm fine just that my stomach is aching a little.."it started last night and I do take my medicine before I left home.."

"Are you having menstrual pain?" Faiza asked, her concern clear in her voice. "Maybe it's just normal period pain, but you should see a doctor if it gets worse."

Husna shook her head. "It's not that," she said, trying to reassure her. "I'm used to this. I've been dealing with it for years now. It's just a little uncomfortable sometimes, that's all."

"What do you mean"?
Well you see since I was maybe 14 years I started suffering with the stomach pain don't worry I'm used to it.."after the lectures when I go back home I will take my med again"

"Faiza nod her head' as they left the cafeteria to their department during the lectures hours her stomach kept aching she couldn't concentrate on what the lecturer was saying"

"You !" her eyes snapped open as the lecturer walked towards her."You were sleeping. Do you find this lecture boring?" She shook her head and it was just because she's sitting in the front.."her stomach is aching so much that she couldn't even stand well.."

. "No ma'am." She answered

The lecturer gave a forced smile. "Good now could you tell me what I said right now ?" her stomach felt like it had been twisted into a knot. "Um...tjwell you see...I...he"

"It's just unusual to the lecturer because she's one of her best student.."so to find her doing something like this was unusual.."

"Just the lecturer was about to talk faiza stood up sorry ma'am she's sick.."
Eyyyah take her back home the lectures continue to go on ."faiza gathered their books spread across the table.."

Let's go faiza took her to the car' as she pulled the car out from the school in speed"the stomach pains increased she bend a little crying.."

Faiza took her back to the house the moment her mother see's her in that situation she already knows it because she even told her not to go to school today but she refused"

"Mama should we take her to the hospital maybe she's so much in pain faiza said seeing her friend crying holding her stomach.." or she got some medicine here because she told me she took her medicine.."

Medicine?"her mother exclaim more like a question because last time she remembered husna medicine had finished and they had nothing to buy new ones or take her to the hospital.."

For seven years, Husna had been suffering from stomach pain, and her parents had taken her to see countless doctors. They had tried different hospitals and different specialists, but they had yet to find a diagnosis. Each doctor prescribed a different medication, but none of them seemed to help. It was getting frustrating for Husna and her family. She just wanted to feel better and live a normal life.

"Faiza knows by now that husna was lying to her let's just take her to the hospital mama faiza said..

Her mother think for a while because there's no money with her to pay the bills nor she had a transport money" faiza exactly knows what the mother was thinking about"

"Just she was about to talk the mother nod her head"maybe she will used all the hibiscus drink money"she walked to her room and brought out the money it's just 2k maybe this could do she thought.."

"Faiza raised husna up as they went to her car at first husna mother refused but faiza plead with her seeing husna situation like that is scaring.."since they started their friendship almost 1year she has never seen her in this situation.."

She took them to the hospital.."what annoyed faiza now the girl is in pain instead the doctor should treat her he just stayed there asking her some stupid and unnecessary questions.."are you on your period.."are you married,,? How old are you bla bla bla..

Doctor is that nassesry please just treat her can't you see she's in pain faiza murmured.."

" he just gave them some med which caused over 10k unknowingly to the mother faiza already paid the money.

"The mother was about to give the money when faiza told her to leave it before they reached she already slept off..due to the injection giving to her"

Faiza dropped them at home while she left seeing its almost magrib time her mother wake her up.."

"Noi bandu ma mai ("How are you feeling now).."her mother asked
She squeezed her face Waddama hore am tan on do nawa (feeling better but I'm just having a slightly headache now..")

A nyamai on kanjum wadi (You haven't eat anything that's the reason..")
Mi nanai velo (I'm not hungry.." )
you will never be hungry.."you don't like eating at all husnatu have you seen your self you're becoming thin everyday"

She pulled out a silver plate full of rice and beans take this and returned back an empty plate to me.."

Adda Noi mi nyamda ta nyamdu do pat fere am Yeccam a do fija on(are you serious how do you expect me to eat all this alone tell me you're joking..")

Her mother gave her a stern look which made close her mouth and immediately started eating.."

"Adda husna Noi bandu ma mai (how are you feeling now)her siblings asked her as they sit down next to her.."

I'm not ok now that Adda wanted me to eat all this food all alone.."

Let me help you says Fatima Abdulkarim chuckle lemme tell her what you guys are doing"

She gave him a glare after knocking his head they eat and prayed.."

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