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"Money and success don't change people they merely amplify what is already there." — Will Smith.

"Firstly you gave your brother my number"..and you even asked him to come to my house..?she glare at Faiza who's enjoying munching her bugger at the cafeteria.."

Wait.."hussy come again, she mumbled her mouth full of bugger."you mean yaya hameed got your number?!" and he even went to your house or what?

"Husna pressed her lips together,.."I don't think you're deaf"you heard me clearly right.why did you do that,did I asked you to give him my number.."?

Woah!!!chill hussy I swear with whose my breath is on his hand,I didn't give him your number and I dont even understand what you're talking about.."

"Your brother came to my house yesterday,and the worst part he lied to my mother,"saying I'm friends with him.."you and I both knows that I don't want any male friend around me.."

"Oh! now I understand what you mean..firstly like I said I'm not the one that gave him the number. and secondly yaya hameed is a nice person, and completely the definition of a gentleman"...what's your problem with him.."?

"Do you even know that you're very lucky that he even want to be friends with you?there are many girls out there,"who are dying to get his attention but he never listen to them.."I'm even in shocked when you told me he went to your house.."

"Just try to change your lifestyle hussy please.."he only want your friendship,and nothing else after all he's my brother.."If they leave you would never see him again.."

"Is he going to die?she gulp thinking what she has done to him.

Silly girl "no!"what I mean is he normally worked in Cyprus and also they stay in Lagos.." see hardly you would see him why not to use this opportunity and try to be friends with him.."?

"But he's annoying.."
I know right," but trust me he's also a heart stealer. she winked .."so how do you find him..handsome right?

"Your family are all cute." beauty runs in your veins although I don't like him but he's handsome,she admits.

"I know right ..I'm just happy that we are going for a semester break .faiza giggles

"You're crazy"
"Oh.!I forgot to tell you.."I'm going to lagos maybe next two weeks coming .."I'm going to follow them back and after that I would spend the break in Abuja.."

"Mmmm!!" she whimpered that's nice.."let's head back to to the department I think it's almost time for the lectures.."

"Faiza nod her head they finished their lectures around 5;00faiza dropped her at the bus-stop"she stayed waiting for the bus-to arrived and she has been growing impatient seeing there's no sign of the bus.."

"She heard a car honk beaming at the side which made her role her eyes.."I'm not even on the road stupid people acting as if it's their father's road she cursed .."

"Tigress!"she heard his voice she spun around to see his car "He has to follow me here also.."

"Let me drop you back." he suggested finally coming down from the car and walked towards her.."

"Thank you!!" I don't need you to ride me back.."as you can see the bus is finally here." she points at the bus that just arrived now, and before she even close her mouth the bus was filled.."

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