Chapter 55

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"Kullu nafsin za'ikatul maut(Every soul shall taste a death.)


"He was just pacing around the room with his bloodshot eyes."Ina lillahi wainalaihi rajiun indeed every soul shall taste a dead."it was just yesterday that they came down to Nigeria and same day he spoke with his father in-law."but to Allah we belong and to him we shall return."

How can he break this to husna,how can he tell her that her father is no more.ya illahi he's so lost as he couldn't even think straight right now.he got a call after fajr that husna has lost her father he suffered from heartatack."

"He stare at her sleeping and tiring face from their journey.he gently slide his sleepers and walk towards his closest grabbing a shirt and slip on before he trudged out from the room making his way towards his mom's room."

He knock at the door before she gave him permission to come in."

"Mommy!"he voice out as he squat beside her on the bed looking down to his feet.
Mom I don't know how to break it to her she's still sleeping. I couldn't wake her up.

His mother took a deep breath,get ready wake her up you guys should get to kaduna right now."time isn't in our side."he took a deep breath walking out from his mother room.he don't even know how will she take it.loosing your parents in this world.

Husna he gently call her name taping her.she slowly open her eyes and set it on him.

Good morning she whispered."rubbing her eyes as she raised her eyes and look at the time 7:00am.

Captain what happened?she questioned looking at him.
He bit his lips looking at her,"baby go and take your bath we need to go somewhere he mumbled.

This early?she questioned" I mean this is just 7."
Husna please it took her some minute before she realized his situation.

Captain what's wrong?why's your eyes so red?what happened to you? I hope everything is okay? she questioned in a breath."

He pulled her into his embrace couldn't say a words to her."just get ready and please wear a hijab."


Since they landed in kaduna she kept on staring at the road as she was just confused the tension reaches her when she saw they made their way to their area and saw people at the gate of their house.

Captain..her voice trembled..what's happening here?she questioned looking scared."
He couldn't find his voice anymore as he feels his tongue was tied unable to foam a words."

The moment the driver parked the car she immediately try and open the door which was locked
Open the damn door she shouted looking at hameed.

Please husna listen, i don't know how to tell you this but I'm sorry he took a deep breath taking a hold of her hand.I know you went to islamiya and husna you know Death is an irrefutable fact we can't deny. Time and again, we lose ourselves in this transient world thinking that we are going to live here forever. As a result, Allah reminds us and shows us signs with the loss of a loved one to show that everything in this world is just temporary.

Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhī rājiʿūn (Surely we belong to Allah and to him shall we return) her voice cracked the tears she was holding stream down to her cheeks.

Husna I know this is a devastating moment for you according to Qur'an 2:156, that a soul belongs to Allah and will return to Him in time, still it is a painful moment seeing our loved one passed away.
Only those people who have experienced it can truly know the depth of pain it brings when it strikes. It hurts deep down in the core that sometimes you feel numb with emotion. I'm sorry husna Abba has..

Nooooo!she pushed him bloody lier don't lie to me. I know abba isn't dead she screamed."nothing else will he say to calm her down right now.he took a deep breath as he unlocks the car door letting her out.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun she exclaim the moment she saw her father lying on the floor covered with the white yard."la'ilah ha illahu mahammadu rasullilahi,Abba Abba Abba is no more.she couldn't control her tears.she cries more harder as she watch her siblings crying.her mother couldn't speak a words she was just on the carpet down there with her hijab."from all the look you'll get to know they all had a sleepless night."this was indeed a devastating moment to both of their family."

"They did the last firewell prayer to their father as they watch the mens took him out for the prayer."
She couldn't eat nor talk for some few moments."
She was just half laying on the bed with her eyes open she stared at the wall of the room.she wish this was just a dream,she wish just to open her eyes and see her father with her."with them. People keep coming for the condolences visit.

Assalama Alaikum she heard faiza voice. She slowly raised her eyes and set it on faiza before she answered her salam."

Little scout she try to crackled out a smile."

Hussy! I'm so sorry she held her hands I wish I could say something to help ease your pain. May the Almighty give you patience and ease to pass through these trials."May Almighty Allah dwell him in Jannatul Firdaus."May the Almighty Allah expand his grave and give him eternal peace. Allah is always merciful towards people who believe in him.

Ameen thank you! she exclaim. your in-laws are here mama said that I should get you out."come let's go.she stood up adjusting her hijab as they went to the palour.she squat down there greeting ya mimi and her father in-laws."

A minute later hameed walk into the house and greeted his mother in-law."

Late at night."
Faiza handed her phone to husna yaya want to talk to you."
Sallama alaikum he voice out.

Wa'alaikumu salam.there's a silent for a while before he spoke I'm extremely sorry Asma for your loss Don't be sad. Allah said everybody has to die one day or another. Pray for the eternal peace for the departed soul. May Allah(SWT) grant him Jannat-ul-Firdaus. May the Almighty Allah give you the fortitude to bear this great loss. Take my heart and pray to Rahmanir Rahim. He will place him comfort and light on the grave.

"Ameen thank you captain."she exclaim with her voice so low."Have you eaten she questioned him?where are you now."?

I'm outside and I haven't what about you?"

She shook her head I couldn't eat anything." she gently sob and wipe the tears immediately I don't feel like like eating anything."what are you doing outside it's late you should probably be asleep now she chew her inner cheeks."

"Should I be asleep now when you're awake.?please Just try and eat something please husna for Allah can take tea if you keep on crying you'll fall sick."

What about you?what will you eat.?when are you going back home.?

I'll eat only if you try and eat something."no let's make a deal.we'll eat at the same time then we've a done deal.and after we'll sleep at the same time okayy."

I don't think I can sleep."it's hard to accept this I wish this is a dream I never imagine or picture that Abba is leaving us this soon."although I knew his hearts attack is at the last stage but I thought all will be fine." I thought Abba would get well.

Am sorry!please just lay down now and close your eyes sleep at least just for 30min."or you want me to come I'll make you sleep instantly.

No!"ill try and sleep eat something captain I'll go and see adda."

Alright take care..."

May our last words be kalimatul shahadah
Her father is no more longer in the world
Indeed it's a devastating moment for them😭

I'll update the next chapter tonight or tomorrow insha Allah."
God bless you as you drop a comments and vote."

Love y'all ❤️

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