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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle



"I pray the rest exams should be easy !" she voice out , smiling at hameed.whose just call right now her father is at her work while her mother and fati went to a naming ceremony.her brother isn't back from school yet."she came back from her exams around 11:00 while she was telling him about her exams."

"Insha Allah babe it gonna be easy on you. you will make it and make us proud. Also, love that little pink number you're wearing," he winks as she smooth her hands over the pink shirt she wore, stepping back from the phone so he can see all of her in the FaceTime. Propped against the mantle so that he can see what she's doing,She pull out some mats, placing two of them opposite each other.

"So, how's Cyprus treating you?" she ask, pulling out two plates.
"Well, it has its ups and downs. Ups, I don't have to listen to you snoring. Downs, I can't stay up all night listening to you snoring." He says, scratching his head. she snort at that, placing the two plates on the mats.

I said Cyprus mr not lagos and you just lied right now. It was me, staying awake listening to you snore." she retort, and She's rewarded with the sound of his laugh.ok husna  "So, what's that delicious smell coming in from the oven?" he ask ,

"How'd you guess the oven was on?" She say, picking up the phone and walking into the kitchen.checking the cake she's baking."

"Well, because you looked stressed, and whenever you're stressed we end up eating chicken with that...mmmm I can practically taste it from here...that BBQ sauce that isn't quite BBQ sauce, but I can't tell the difference." He says, she see him licking his lips.

She let out a laughter you barely taste my food captain."

But I did it twice you remember that night when mom wasn't around and twins so you decided to go to the kitchen your self and you look stress out thinking what you will cook for your handsome husband."

I look stressed?" she ask raising her eyebrows at him. She prop the phone onto the counter, but it slips on the marble, "Shit," I swear, fumbling for the phone with my oven mitts on. It takes her several tries to pick the phone up until she get the bright idea to take the damn mitts off, and she can hear him laughing hysterically all the while. Finally, with a huff, she pick the phone up and prop it carefully onto the counter. he doubled over laughing, she shoot him a mock glare.

"No, but seriously, do I look stressed?" She ask him again. It takes a few seconds for the question to register, he's still laughing . She grab her mitts and pull the cake out from the oven, the smell making her momentarily pause and inhale that goodness.

Yeah a lil bit but maybe you're still stress out about the exams."Mm, I can smell that from here. Ya Allah , I wish I was there right now." He says, his mood sobering up with that last sentence. Oya "ha"She smile open your mouth let me feed you."

He twisted his lips just like a girl which made her laugh and poked her tongue out.he turns and fixes at her with a pensive look.Babe,must you tease me like that?

She gave him a glared taking a taste of the cake."

"I love you, husna wallah ina sonki dayawa I don't know what you did to me." He says softly, and her heart throbs at the unfathomable distance between them.
"I love you too, ," She whisper back.
"Now Always and forever?" He says, and She smile at him."Now Always and forever,"

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