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"Oh my god!! sweetheart faiza rushed hugging the twins a pleasant surprise as they twirl around laughing like mad people.
Indomie generation crazy always he rolled his eyes

daddy mommy.."anty mimi ,My boy.."she greeted them.,Why am I the third wheel?captain said as he walk towards the armchair and settled down .."

"Faiza laughed our one and only captain..yaya hameed see how you change a lot.."

Don't even talk to me since you just notice me now where's my mama and Meena?
Yaya hameed wallah I wasn't aware that you guys are coming I'm even shocked to react now I understood why they both were cooking .."

"Dad went to his brother part while mom and the rest settled in the sofas  .."anty Khadija came out from the kitchen.."wiping her hands with a towel.."

She greeted them
Hey can't you greet me.."hameed says looking at her.
Hameed she's older than you remembered you supposed to greet her.."

Who's older than me this small girl.." ?
Just shut up kawai dai mutum yayi saurin girma ne Khadija joked they're age mate.."she just gave him maybe six months.."

My son "There you are. It's been ages I haven't seen you." Mama said coming out.
Atleast someone care for me over here.."he said walking towards mama as he greeted her..."

Aha the food is ready now.Come let's break the bread. Food is getting cold. . All your favorites are here." said Mama and her children sitting on the chair and ready to serve the delicacies to Aliyu's family.

They were talking,laughing with each other as they eat mama put hameed in the center feeding him with her hands.."

They spent the night in the house by tomorrow they will go to their house located at jabi road.."so hameed went to the boys quarters even though he insisted that he will stay at a hotel.."

"The next day, they ate their breakfast together  and both sat talking nonstop,mostly,about school,work,
Family and the rest..

"Ya Hameed, please can you take me to school today?" Faiza pleaded, looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes. "Please, please, please?"

"Hey, where's your driver?" Hameed asked, pocketing his phone. "And aren't you capable of driving yourself?"

"But please, ya Hameed," Faiza begged, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.

"Ugh, you're impossible," "Are you going to hook me up with one of your friends?"He  finally stood up from the armchair, his decision made.

"Of course,"she replied , grinning. "I'll hook you up with my best girl. She's Fulani and very easygoing. I promise you guys will get along."

Hameed laughed. "You're joking, right? Your friends are all kids. I was just messing with you."Let me drop her off he stood up.."While faiza immediately followed him behind.."

"Ah I forgot the roads of your village he said pulling out from the parking lot..
Really yaya kaduna isn't a village see how our governor is renovating it..

"It's a village na I don't even know the way to your school right now"I'm thinking of just dropping you over here he fix his gaze on the road.

I will direct you,or you don't want to meet your girlfriend already.."

He chuckled faiza is trying to bribe her brother right he mumbled biting his lips.."
Not really but.."

You indomie generation crazy kids I'm also joking he knows all these secondry school friends of her that were all crushing on him ,She directed him to the school.."he dropped her infront of their department.."

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