Chapter 60

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Never love something so much that you can't let go of it." — Ginni Rometty


"She was laying down on the bed staring at the blank wall of the room . she felt something sliding through her eyes. she felt uneasy as her nose was clogged, Silent tears came out of her tired eyes. She didn't often cry. She prided herself on being brave. She needed a hug. Someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay. She wanted to get back to him. But she couldn't. She would just get hurt again. She didn't know what to feel, there were so many emotions coursing through her veins,betrayal, sadness, disappointment but also compassion. She wanted to hug him,all she need was a shoulder to lean and cry but she wants to kick him at the same time."she don't know what happened next but she feels her marriage life was completely falling apart ever since he find out about that pills with her.everything changed." Never for once's did she imagine there's a day that hameed would change totally for the cool person she knew him to someone else different."

She tried to explain to him that she don't even know exactly where the medicine came from but he doesn't seems to agree with her."it seems that now he's actually listening to whatever fareeda is drumming into his ear ." he shut her down completely ,"she can't even believe that he'd told her that he even regret the first day he met her.he cursed the day that he ever falls in love with her."she's tired of this burden."it's too much for her brain."she's sick and tired of everything."

Her phone that's beside her shrilled she wiped her tears hurriedly as she didn't want anybody to see her crying.a face time from faiza."she picked up."
Before suddenly faiza gazed her face for a while and raised a question.

"Hussy,Were you crying what did he do to you again this time she snort?"
"No, not at all. Who told you am crying."?something just fall into my eyes."

"I can make it out by looking at your face. Stop pretending"so do you really want to kill your self because of them?she huffed."this isn't you! you're someone else different now."do you really want to end up showing him your weakness."?You also don't give a damn about it."since you knew you ain't taking any pills."?return with your daily routine hussy I beg you don't lock your self because of a man,remember I told you that marriage and relationship is a different thing." I know you're going in a tough challenge hussy but just keep praying to Allah and you will find His Mercy heal every aching part of your heart and soul. Allah will guide you, He will bring clarity to your eyes, make your heart soft and make firm your soul. Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear. hussy I'm sorry now get up wipe these tears Allah can change the most hopeless situation into the best moment in your life.
Insha Allah.0

Thank you little scout!"what do I do without you."
Jazakillahu kyaran."

Mmm!"now she's doing something like she can't do anything without me."how's your health have you go to the hospital.?"

I don't know! I want to go today,"but I'm so weak I don't even know if my legs would carry me out."and am feeling the unbearable pain in my stomach."

you Should try and see a gynecologist or maybe you should contact his friend faisal to help you."

I'll contact him now thank you little scout."


Like everyday daily day fareeda greeted him with a smile on her face."it been a week without him staying in the house he's extremely busy lately."
Sleeping mix with tiredness masked up his face."

Husna has went out so I thought to make something for you probably to eat."I don't know what you like so I make different things French toast ,omalete,crept,pancakes got some chees also

There's nothing in the fridge so I got it delivered.
And I knew you don't like tea so I'd make the coffee.

Umm! he whimpered not interested in all, although he's bit hungry but eating food isn't something he's used to." and a bit slightly headache was disturbing him which he normally does after every flight.

Where did she told you she's going?"a bit worried in his face."he knew she don't know many places in here."today isn't weekdays that she'll said she went to the school."

"She roll her eyes to portray her annoyance before she immediately masked it up with a smile."I don't know either I actually asked her but she didn't answer me.someone came and pick her up I don't know who he's."

Did she normally goes out like this?"he look at the time bitting his lower lips this is past 5

She kept mute looking down to her fingers.
Answer me!he coldly questioned."

Yes! She normally goes out sometimes in the middle of the night."I actually want to inform you but I don't actually knows how you'll take it."despite that day you said I should stop interfering in your marriage life."

He took a deep breath anger visible on his face like an old light of a house."thank you! he stood up walking towards the room he took shower and pray.
Picking up his phone dialing her number repeatedly but she's not picking any of his calls."after a good two weeks he called her."he keeps on looking at the time pacing around the room."tick tock tick tock the time went on so fast."

7:00 pm he blurted walking out from the room as made his way towards the entrance they almost twist the knob at the same time."she looks at him as she can see the tension that laid in his eyes."

He scanned her from head to toe,she's dress in a simple faded jeans and a plain white top she tied her scarf perfectly on her head  he'd also notice that she looses some weight ."She gently try to split and walk in to the entrance but he pulled her back immediately where the hell did you go?he tighten his grips on her rage flickering in his eyes."

You're hurting me."she yelled tears streaming from her eyes."

I'm asking you something?where the hell did you go,by this time?and who the fuck pick you up."?

Where I go,what I did,who picked me up,is non of your business she yell."this marriage is just a burden Abdulhameed I'm tired she gnashes her teeth throwing punch on his shoulder but he didn't budged."are you that heartless,person, you always blame me for something that I've never done I'm sick and tired of you.please.

She tried to talk again but suddenly started feeling dizzy.
Were you sick? He questioned looking at her.

She ignored him trying to walk away but he immediately pulled her back."I'm asking you something don't just give me silent damn it he shouted."

Please Abdulhameed free me! Free  me I don't have that energy."

But you've the energy to be mingling with some other mens right."?do you think what you're really doing in my absence is right husna."? do you really think is good."I don't actually get to understand?do you really hate me that much."husna?sometimes I always think maybe I'm forcing you into all these marriage .he hold her tighter on to him. I regret the day that I met you husna I really regret the first day that I fall in love with you."I cursed every single minute that I ever told you that I love you."I really regret knowing you in my life."

She pushed him back tears spilling from her eyes to hell with you Abdulhameed."I also cursed the day that I ever met you.."

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