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"Being married is like having somebody permanently in your corner. It feels limitless, not limited." — Gloria Steinem


Two months later..
"With the small portion of moonlight that seeped through window curtains, illuminating her face,hameed could make out her frantic eyes moving behind closed eyelids.he looked at her face as he slowly folded the blanket over, uncovering her disgruntled expression with her brows slightly furrowed together. Strands of hair stuck to her sweating face, she breathed through her mouth heavily, her chest heaving up and down.He gently placed his hand over her moistened forehead, recoiling it back almost immediately the moment their skin made contact. Shit, you're burning up again."

He gently tried to scoop her up in a better position, seeing how uncomfortable she was curled up into a ball, latching onto a pillow, with the towel on her forehead leaving a wet spot on the same pillow she was clutching.he made sure to check up on her every few minutes, regularly taking her temperature and changing the wet towel folded over her forehead.He tried to wake her up, but only to received a crying which breaks him she's seriously sick for the past few weeks and nothing is getting more better she refuses to let him take her to the hospital.

My head hurts so badly she pulled herself up drowsily to hameed arm to support herself, pulling her up into a seating position and leaning her head against the headboard, her eyes still half-closed.He coaxed her, . gently stroked her hair, successfully calming her down as he continued to pour sweet words into her ear. "It's fine, it's just a fever babe you'll get well soon insha Allah ."

A loud, scratching sound resounded throughout the silent room as he dragged the basin filled with water from the bedside table. Weirdly enough, the scratching sound meshed perfectly with the sounds of droplets from what husna could only make out as hameed squeezing a towel into the basin, she slowly blinked herself back into sleep accompanied with the calming sounds, echoing endlessly on her mind.
She could feel herself succumbing into a peaceful sleep.when suddenly, like a flicker of a light bulb switching on, her skin made in contact with an unimaginably, piercing cold.She jumped from her place, pulling herself out of what could have been a dreamless sleep. She recoiled her arm that made in contact with the freezing towel hameed held in his hands.

"It's alright, it's just me," He whispered calmly, returning to what he was previously doing, and smothering her with that damned towel, he continued to wipe her fevered skin, despite numerous whines and cries from her.

Captain I'm okay now . Just stop, it's cold," She said in a raspy voice as courtesy from all the persistent coughing that had her exhausted all day.

"You're not fine, you can barely talk," He frowned. "And I told you not to put the blankets over your head."
"It was cold."
He grabbed the thermometer beside him and pushed it into her mouth, not even waiting more than a minute when it dinged loudly.One-Oh-Four, Eighteen. I feel fine, my ass," He roll his eyes and dipped the towel back into the freezing water, wiping her body, starting with her face, then her neck, and chest.

She looked at his focused impression, how gentle and kind he was being with her. With a flat look, " Captain do you remember that time-"

He groaned, irritated as if he'd encountered that start of the sentence one too many times. "Yes, I remember that time when I said I didn't love you when fareeda created mess between us." He said dryly, slightly narrowing his eyes, resembling somewhat of a glare.

"Good. Even though you're being nice to me, I still don't forgive you for that," Just so you know," She added with a smile.

But I apologize right,"  I apologize like thousands times He grumbled.
She plopped the wet towel over her face, pressing it to her face with her hands as it slowly grew warm. She knitted her eyebrows together at the sudden loss of his touch. "Why'd you stop?"

She kept her face under the wet towel, flipping it over to take advantage of the other side's coolth. Her body slowly grew warm and uncomfortable.
"The water's warm, I'll get cold water," he exclaim

"No," She lengthened the words out, wiping her sweat-infused face with the towel.
He sighed, "Asma do you want me to get you paracetamol ?"
"Yes please," She barely uttered out, suddenly feeling drowsy.

She held her arms out inaudibly telling him to carry her. He does so and lifts her up without a hassle.
They headed for the kitchen, with her carrying the basin over her and leaning her head on his chest.

Where did you keep the rest of the orange, She blinked innocently up at him.

He sighed, "Please keep quiet will you,you're talking non stop today."my arms are the only ones keeping you from falling," He loosened his hold on her, making her tighten her hold on his neck.

"You won't do that," she snuggled closer to him, brushing her cheek across his chest. You love me too much."I mean how can you not?" She said haughtily, "I'm basically the sugar, the spice, and everything nice that happened in your life."

"Spicy ," He narrowed his eyes at her, "
I don't love you sometimes ," He had a frown imminent on his face, but She smiled and shook her head. She placed herself in between the crook of his neck, her breathing making the little hairs on his nape stand up. "Still better than hating me all the time."

But you still love me, right?" He asked her worriedly.
"Mhm," She buried her nose in his hair, he can feel her hot skin came in contact with his.
"You're burning again."

She didn't respond and laid quietly in his arms, eyes closed.He set her down on a chair, opening several cabinets looking for paracetamol or any pain reliever , whilst he waits for the basin to fill. She gaped at him, amazed with how patient and gentle he was with her since the past week."His shirt was wet,his shorts slowly slipping from his hips, his eyes were filled with dark bags underneath from staying up taking care of her he couldn't not get enough sleep he thinks she threw up yesterday like 6 times.

He cut an apple , placing it in a plate and cutting it into equal pieces, he pick up the tablet and placed it on the plate . He threw the towel into the basin and carried the plate with one hand and the basin on his left.

He placed the plate in front of her, squeezing again into the towel he held for her forehead to cool down.
"Stop staring," He told her as he wiped her face with the glacial towel he held, but she couldn't care less, all she felt were his warm fingers grasping her cheeks.She gave him a sweet, saccharine smile and kissed his jaw I love you she whispered.

He just smile at her in return."She take a bite of the apple."smiling she stretching her legs in his laps while he massage it."I pray you'll not throw up after eating this."you haven't eat anything today he sigh." What would you like to eat.

Tea please!
He nod his head and stood up just after she take the tea she immediately rushed to the bathroom and throw up again."last last he had to force to to go to the hospital."

It all came to them unexpected when the doctor announced that she's three weeks pregnant."they couldn't hide their happiness as it's visible in their faces."they can't help but call their family informing them about the pregnancy...

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